Speech Analysis. The video I would like to analyze is called Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates from YouTube.com. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcYv5x6gZTA) the speaker is Randy Pausch and the audience is the graduates for Carnegie Mellon University of 20

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The video I would like to analyze is called Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates from YouTube.com. () the speaker is Randy Pausch and the audience is the graduates for Carnegie Mellon University of 2008. 


This video is in lecture style. Lectures are better structured than other form of natural speech and the structure of a lecture is very similar to an essay. The lecture is composed of three parts, namely introduction, main body and conclusion. This lecture is an informative lecture and it is reading style-organized. The accent of the speaker is American style. 


The presentation included introduction, body and conclusion. The ideas are well-organized. He started his speech by talking about how he felt about the university, then he talked about the bad news which his doctor gave him. For the body, Randy told the graduate how to live their life well and he also treated himself as an example in order to make the audience easy to understand. Randy ended his speech by telling the audience his true love, his wife, was his passion and he encourage the audience to find theirs. 


In this video, Randy shared his own experience with the graduates. He encouraged the graduate to think positive, live their life well and find their own passion. Randy learned that he had a terminal case of pancreatic cancer in August 2006 and he was told he likely 3-6 months left to live that time. However, he was a positive person. In this video, he said,' I am not gonna get down and do any push-ups.' Randy said we should try to do the thing we want to do as not to feel regretful. (it's not the things we do in life that we regret on our deathbed, it is the things we do not.) According to Randy, once we found our passion in our life, we will then live our life well. In the video, he said 'The second thing that I would add to that and I did not coordinate on the subject of this word but I think it is the right word that comes up. It is passion. And you will need to find your passion.' Everybody should have the sense of their passion. For me, maybe I am still finding!Randy said his passion is not from things and money those kinds of material stuff, yet he found it from other people. (If there is anything that I have learned in life, you will not find that passion in things, and you will not find that passion in money. Because the more things and the more money you have, the more you will just look around and use that as the matrix — and there will always be someone with more.) Randy also mentioned 'honors and words are nice things' but only if they regard the real respect from peers and to be thought well of by other people that who are having higher social status than us. In the end of his speech, he repeated that we need to find our passion and also true love. He said he married at age 39 because he 'wait that long to find someone where her happiness is more important than his'. He then ended his speech by saying 'thank you'.  

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The view of Randy was supported by his own experience (he used himself as an example) and it made his statements trustworthy. In other words, they are all facts, information that can be verified. For example, he said the passion in our life should be somebody, but not things or money, and he said 'If there is anything that I have learned in life, you will not find that passion in things, and you will not find that passion in money.'. Randy also used owned language ' I ' , 'me', 'my' to show his personal ownership of the ...

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