Taking as your starting point pg.76 "Maire enters" to pg.78 "It didn't last long, did it?" discuss the play's impact as a 'doomed love story.'

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                                                                        Claire Gittoes

“Whilst ‘Translations’ may consistently impress in its presentation of complex historical and linguistic issues, it is as a ‘doomed love’ story that it most affects.”

Taking as your starting point pg.76 “Maire enters” to pg.78 “It didn’t last long, did it?” discuss the play’s impact as a ‘doomed love story.’

On close examination of the text, it is clear that it is the inevitable hopelessness of Yolland and Maire’s relationship that has the biggest impact on the audience. The love between Yolland and Maire, seems to represent the possibility for peace between two nations or cultures by their willingness to learn about and love one another’s values and customs. This is why the ‘doomed love story’ makes such an impact.

The importance of their relationship and what it symbolises is demonstrated by Maire’s reaction when Yolland has gone. This is one of many times in the play where this ‘doomed love story’ can be likened to ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ The distress caused by Yolland’s disappearance is expressed physically as well as verbally. By doing this Friel is appealing to the audience, “she is bareheaded and wet from the rain; her hair is disarrayed. She attempts to appear normal but she is in acute distress, on the verge of being distraught.” This is a deliberate attempt by Friel to show the tragically predestined result of this ‘doomed love story.’

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Friel reminds us of the fondness that Maire has for Yolland, in Act 3 when Maire recounts the last time she saw Yolland. Whilst doing so she reminds the audience of the difficulty the two have in communicating with one another verbally but easily Maire understands Yolland through gesture, “he pretended to get cross,” and how much they enjoyed each others company, “And he went off laughing.”

In this small extract, Friel demonstrated how Maire and Yolland communicated with one another and how Maire describes this to Owen, we can see how much she has learned from Yolland: ...

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