The issues in the novel in The Woman in Black are supported by Arthur Kipps the protagonist whilst the woman in black is the antagonist, the contrast of genders already shows

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“The power and quality of The Woman in Black lies in the creation of Arthur Kipps as the narrator rather than the Woman in Black herself.”

In the light of this comment discuss the role and presentation of Arthur Kipps.

The issues in the novel in The Woman in Black are supported by Arthur Kipps the protagonist whilst the woman in black is the antagonist, the contrast of genders already shows the stereotypical man is rational and clever whilst woman are not so much so but this will clash and fall down as Kipps becomes increasingly distressed of the supernatural presence.

Susan Hill does not allow the woman in black to have a voice of her own in the novel which intriguingly enough still proves very effective at sending fright and horror to the reader. Kipps, the narrator speaks in first person as if just speaking to a fellow person; this is effective as the reader can know directly what are the feelings and emotions of the narrator, it is also relevant to the Gothic as the novel Dracula also uses the first tense in the diary journals.  The reader relies on the narrator’s description of the woman in black, “only the thinnest layer of flesh was tautly stretched and strained across her bones, so that it gleamed with a curious, blue-white sheen”. This imagery gives the suggestion that the woman in emitting a light therefore giving the connotations that she is a supernatural force. The fact that she is again encountered in a grave yard, “beside a headstone” is typical of Gothic literature creating tension and ambiance of her chilling and frightening presence.

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Hill describes Kipps as a man with a calm comfortable life tucked away into the countryside with a large lobbing family. He is a man of pleasure and is content with everything is how it should be, under control. IT is only revealed something is not quite right to the reader when his family ask to tell ghost stories but he upright refuses and storms of, he is going to do an act of catharsis Black flashes show him as a sceptical and naïve young man who does not believe in ghosts because of his rational mind. When Kipps ...

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