The main characters in the play "All My Sons" learn many lessons about responsibility and its different meanings.Joe Keller commits a wide range of irresponsible actions

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Bernardo Veiga

Class 9B 12.03.2005

“Once and for all you can know there’s a Universe of People Outside and You’re Responsible to it” What lessons do the characters in “All My Sons” learn by the end of the play?

The main characters in the play “All My Sons” learn many lessons about responsibility and its different meanings.

Joe Keller commits a wide range of irresponsible actions throughout the play that led to the lessons that those around him receive.  Joe didn’t realize that his egocentric and closed minded way of thinking resulted in a series of catastrophic events.  He should know as a father that the money he earned from his business wouldn’t teach Chris how to be a man.  The faulty cylinder heads he sold, caused the death of twenty one pilots and the enormous sorrow of there families.  He puts his business over all the things that are happening around him and this is proved when he quotes this:”…what the hell did I work for? That’s only for you, Chris, the whole shootin’ match is for you!” page 16.

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Joe doesn’t face the consequences of his acts all the way through the play.  He overlooks the fact that he is responsible for those deaths and lets the judge decide who was guilty for the crime.  The one who in the end was blamed for it was Steve, Annie’s father that in reality received the order from Joe.  Joe tries ignoring the fact that he was the one who allowed those parts to be shipped and that he was the one to be blamed for the death of those pilots.  There are many quotes throughout the play which reinforces what ...

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