The pardoners prologue and Tale show human nature to lack any redeeming virtues people are greedy, weak and hypocritical Discuss Chaucers poetic methods and concerns in the Pardoners prologue and tale in ligh

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  1. The pardoner’s prologue and Tale show human nature to lack any redeeming virtues – people are greedy, weak and hypocritical’

Discuss Chaucer’s poetic methods and concerns in the Pardoner’s prologue and tale in light of this comment.


Pardoner – greedy, weak, hypocritical.

  • Pardoner’s greed is emphasised throughout the whole prologue and tale  his sermons revolve around the latin biblical phrase ‘radix malorum est cupiditas’ (greed is the root of all evil) yet openly admits to preaching for ‘nothyng but for coveityse’ – portrays him as a hypocritical character as he is not putting what he preaches into practice.
  • During medieval times, religion was a way of life – life after death/salvation was more important than life on earth and therefore repenting sins was a way to ensure you went to heaven – pardoner is playing on his audience’s weakness/fear for his benefit – shows him as immoral and weak.  openly admits that he ‘rekke nevere/than whan they have been beryed, though that hir soules goon-a-blackberyed!’ – negative imagery proves his lack of compassion
  • Openly admits he is guilty of avarice (which was one of the 7 deadly sins – ironic and hypocritical seeing as he’s a preacher and preaches ABOUT gluttony?) ‘’I preche of no thyng but for coveityse’’ (x2) ‘’myn entente is nat but for to wynn and /no thyng for the correcicioun of synne’
  • General prologue description of him ‘I trowe he were a geldyng or a mare’  referred to as a eunuch (castrated man) – this combined with the description of him riding with the summoner who ‘bar to hym a stif bourdon’ carries the connotations of a weak and possibly homosexual man?
  • Criticism: pardoner is ‘parasite of parasites’ and ‘merely a vehicle for the substantial embodiment of the church’s abusement’  pardoner is a 2D character constructed to highlight the medieval church as greedy, weak and hypocritical.

3 rioters – greed, weak, hypocritical

  • From the onset they are described as sinful – drinking and blaspheming
  • Hypocritical as there is constant repetition of a ‘brotherhood’ when in reality is false as they turn against each other to feed their greed
  • Weakness/greed – their original mission to find and kill ‘false traytour death’ is overcome by their greed when they find the gold – ultimately lead each other to death.
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  • Majority of prologue and tale proves that human nature lack any redeeming virtues (3 rioters/pardoner)
  • However, it can be argued that there are elements in the prologue and tale to contradict this statement)

The old man

  • Old man is used to signify the good/holy element of the tale
  • Contrast to the 3 rioters, who can be seen as the anti-trinity (father, son, holy spirit) the old man gives the rioters the choice to choose good or sin
  • In the old man passage, he explains how he wants to die, calling it a ‘grace’ and ...

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