The Prologue of Romeo and Juliet.

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The Prologue of Romeo and Juliet The Prologue of Romeo and Juliet reveals the entire story in a single page. The prologue raises the questions (1) To whom do the events occur? And (2) What are the details of the story?   The two families are very rich and powerful but Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, are sworn enemies because of an ancient feud between their families. In beautiful Verona, Italy “ . . . where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny.” This quote symbolises Romeo and Juliet’s love. These star-crossed lovers prove their love by respecting each other in spite of their family’s rivalry. Instead they love each other which, in the end, was much worse than hating each other thus fulfilling the mutiny to which the Prologue refers.     “Where civil blood make civil hands unclean,”
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means that all the townspeople and family members had a part in Romeo and Juliet’s death. If the families were not so hateful towards each other, they would have lived a great and successful life together.     “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;” The son of one enemy and the daughter of another take their life in a desperate attempt to show their never ending love for each other. No matter how the parents tried to keep the families separate in society, it would never stop their endless love. Their ...

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