To what extent is society to blame for the mental decline of Nicole Dive in Tender is the Night and Esther Greenwood in The Bell Jar

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To what extent is society to blame for the mental decline of Nicole Dive in ‘Tender is the Night’ (TisN) and Esther Greenwood in ‘The Bell Jar’(TBJ)

The mental decline of the two protagonists is apparent within both ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Bell Jar’ whereby Scott Fitzgerald and Sylvia Plath respectively explore the stifling nature of society and the effect this has on an individual’s mental health. An ingrained expectation of culture places certain constraints, most pertinently on the female role, as both authors openly explore the issues faced by those with a basic inability to cope with such pressures; ultimately leading to their mental downfall. Neither Nicole nor Esther fit the social order required of them causing others to label them as insane, but it is the negative influence of society upon them which is the overwhelming cause.  

Within ‘TisN’ the reader witnesses Nicole Diver’s fundamental need for a male presence in which contrasts with the strong feminist beliefs of Esther Greenwood. Both novels clearly demonstrate how the masculine world dictates that women are to be regarded as possessions and constantly manipulated by a male counterpart – be it their father or husband. The lack of a father in Nicole’s life allowed Dick Diver to become both a replacement father figure and husband giving him escalated dominance which ultimately caused the pressure on Nicole as an individual to increase significantly. Nicole’s world had shattered, ‘but it was only a flimsy and scarcely created world’ due to the incestuous relationship she was a part of. These flaws in Nicole’s upbringing resulted in her inability to create a life for herself as the past still troubled her. Nicole and Esther mutually place men on a pedestal not only due to their reliance on them but also the ideals society forces upon them in regards to male superiority; until they realise that not only can Dick and Buddy not live up to these expectations, but also that they are unrealistic for the society that they live in.

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Living in a patriarchal society makes Nicole dependent on a controlling figure to make ethical judgements for her. She waits for ‘Dick to make a moral comment’, rather than continuing to develop the individuality she was free to express in her private letters to Dick when explaining the mental health problems she was experiencing at that time. Similarly, when Buddy, who has never skied himself, ‘instructs’ Esther in the sport, she mindlessly obeys. ‘TisN’ Book 1 shows a complete contrast as Nicole is described as ‘happy to exist in a man’s world’ referring to her allowing a husband or lover ...

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