Twelfth Night - How does Shakespeare present the characters of Olivia and Orsino? How do their characters change during the play and what influences do Sebastian and Viola have on them?

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Twelfth Night Essay

How does Shakespeare present the characters of Olivia and Orsino?  How do their characters change during the play and what influences do Sebastian and Viola have on them?


The main characters that I will be focusing on are Olivia, Orsino, Viola and Sebastian. I will write about the way that Shakespeare presents Olivia and Orsino their changes during the play and why these changes occur. I will also include the affects Viola and Sebastian have on them.

Orsino is the duke of Illyria, he would like to ask Olivia to marry him she is a rich lady with a waiting-gentlewoman Maria. She has recently lost her brother and is in mourning for him. Because of this she does not seem to be interested in any other men including Orsino. Sebastian and Viola are twin brother and sister who during the play are involved in a shipwreck and believe each other to be dead as they become separated. Viola dresses as a man called Cesario and goes to Orsino’s court looking for work.

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Orsino is seen to be very much in love with Olivia. He seems to be so overwhelmed with his passion for her that he acts rather strange. The arrival of Cesario who Orsino seems to take a liking to takes his mind off Olivia but soon he is using Cesario to woo her for him. This affects the situation in a way that he clearly did not intend as Olivia regains her interest in men again but not in him but in Cesario!

Orsino becomes desperately unhappy about his failure to win the affection of Olivia. In ...

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