What Different Perspectives on Love do you find in Act One of "Romeo and Juliet"?
Peter Mitchell Mr. Williams
What Different Perspectives on Love do you find in Act One of “Romeo and Juliet”?
There are many different perspectives on love found in “Romeo and Juliet”. These can easily be distinguished between characters. Each main character has a different view on love if some of them similar; some have different perspectives in different parts of the play.
The nurse has her own perspective on love. Her view appears to be the one of marrying to gain a well respected name. Paris appears to be a well respected bachelor in Verona, “a man of wax” as the nurse names him, and Juliet has ‘caught his eye’. When the nurse discovers this she highly recommends this as it will give Juliet a ‘foot’ in the social ladder as well as a comfortable lifestyle. Although when the nurse is giving this approval she is often distasteful and insensitive and she uses inappropriate stories about Juliet’s youth. The nurse though is not as forceful on the idea as Lady Capulet, as the nurse appears to have Juliet’s best interests at heart.