When comparing the two travel based texts, the different ways in which each text expresses their key ideas and perspectives thorough language and presentation is critical as to how well they appeal to their targeted audiences.

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English Language Controlled Assessment

The travel industry in recent years has become an extremely lucrative and competitive market, with each travel operator having to try to promote their service in order to beat numerous forms of competition.  Also, with the current financial climate, consumers are looking for the best value travel operators, so that they can still enjoy luxury outings, but will also seek the best deals possible to save money.  Consequently, companies try to advertise their services in a variety of ways, to show the consumer why they provide the best value for money in relation to the quality of their services. When comparing the two travel based texts, the different ways in which each text expresses their key ideas and perspectives thorough language and presentation is critical as to how well they appeal to their targeted audiences.  

The purpose, audience and type of each text are very different, causing a significant impact on how they convey their ideas and perspectives.  The purpose of the Rail Information leaflet is to promote and inform the reader about off peak train tickets, as discounted prices will result in an increase in sales during off peak times.  The purpose of the article from Coach and Bus Week Magazine differs considerably, and it primarily tries to outline the problems of coach travel in terms of the quality of the hotels supplied by the operators, and as a secondary purpose it challenges the coach operators to ensure that their advertisements match the experience in reality.  In addition to this, as the type of text is an article for a magazine called Coach and Bus Week, the audience is likely to be people very interested in coach and bus travel, and may also include coach operators who have invested money into this industry.  In contrast, the informative and promotional Rail Information Leaflet similarly appeals to a small audience, but is targeted at a different range of people, as it appeals to those living in the South East, with the main targeted group being families.  So from looking at the purpose, audience and type of the texts, it is clear that they are very different as the leaflet aims to promote off peak train tickets to the local people, whereas the magazine article criticises a few aspects of coach travel to people interested in that industry.  

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The writers communicate the key ideas and perspectives of each text in different ways as a result of the purpose and audiences being dissimilar.  With the Rail Information Leaflet, the main idea occurring throughout is that the off peak train ticket prices will be considerably lower, meaning the audience of people living in the South East will be able to save money when visiting the attractions.  There is also the view that a shrewd customer will take advantage of these savings to plan a day out.  In comparison, the key idea of the Coach and Bus Weekly article is to ...

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**** 4 Stars This is a very well written and logically structured essay. The language of comparison is used effectively throughout and the writer has logically structured their argument to make a convincing essay. This essay is very detailed and shows an understanding of purpose, audience and genre. However more quotes are needed to support statements and more technical terminology is needed when discussing language features.