Why does Hamlet delay in avenging his father's death?

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             Why does Hamlet delay in avenging his father’s death?          George Harisis.

The tragic play ‘Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare, tells the story of the enigmatic Prince Hamlet who is set the task of avenging the murder of his father at the hand of his uncle, King Claudius. Though it is clear that Hamlet harbours deep resentment towards his uncle and is eventually certain of his mission, Hamlet is seen to consistently delay in completing his task for various reasons. Whether it is because Hamlet is a fundamentally pensive character who always thinks before he acts or because he is crippled by his intelligence and moral scruples, it can be argued that Hamlet’s prolonged tarry results in his eventual destruction.

           Near the beginning of the play, Hamlet is confronted by an apparition who claims to be the ghost of his dead father, the old King. The sprit explains the details by which Claudius murdered him and how it is now in purgatory until its death is avenged and old Hamlet’s honour is restored. However, having been set the task of killing the new king, Hamlet is unsure whether the ghost is in fact the spirit of his dead father or some evil demon and thus is uncertain of the validity of the ghost’s testimony. Thus his contemplative nature leads Hamlet to scheme an elaborate means of establishing Claudius’ guilt. He uses a group of travelling actors to perform a scene that closely resembles the means of old Hamlet’s murder. He then plans to observe Claudius’ demeanour, should it change throughout the scene, his guilty conscience would be established. “The play is the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.” Hence, part of Hamlet’s delay can be attributed to the fact that his contemplative character needed to first confirm without any doubt the King’s guilt.

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          It can be argued that Hamlet’s delay in his task is partly to blame because of his deep, religious beliefs about sin and salvation. Upon finding Claudius alone at prayer one night, he is presented with the perfect opportunity to avenge his father’s death. However, because of his Christian beliefs, he reasons that should he kill him in a state of grace, he would sanctify Claudius and clear him a path to heaven. Thus Hamlet sheaths his sword and decides to wait for a moment where he can kill Claudius in an act of sin ...

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*** 3 STARS This is a well written essay which clearly shows a knowledge and understanding of the play and remains focused on the question throughout. However the writer needs to PEA (Point, Evidence, Analysis) - far more quotes are needed throughout and the language needs to be more closely analysed before this essay will be awarded a higher grade.