Why would a Victorian reader find "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" shocking yet fascinating?

Drew Taylor 1113JL
Why would a Victorian reader find “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” shocking yet fascinating?
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Jekyll and Hyde in 1886 in the middle of the Victorian era. This book is both shocking yet fascinating to a Victorian reader, I will explore this further. “Polar twins … continually struggling,” this quotation is talking about the struggle between Jekyll and Hyde; they are struggling to gain dominance over each other in Jekyll’s body. They are polar twins, Jekyll is good and Hyde is Evil, this quotation shows that Jekyll and Hyde are linked, and this idea that they are linked in body and soul would be shocking to a reader yet it would also be fascinating because it shows the dual nature of man, the ability to do good and evil.
There are many themes in Jekyll and Hyde that a Victorian reader would find shocking and fascinating at the same time, like Science vs. religion, civilisation vs. savagery, the dual identity of man, the way Stevenson portrays London, the gothic elements of the story, and the description of the characters and their relationships.
Jekyll manipulates science to resurface the dual identity of man, only God should be able to do this, Jekyll is going against his god and dwells on the thought of committing suicide to get rid of Hyde, a Victorian reader would find this shocking because almost all Victorian people at this time were devout Christians and committing suicide was against the laws of the church and even the thought of someone committing suicide was shocking to a Victorian. Also the ongoing debate between the church and scientists about Darwin’s theory of evolution surfaces in Jekyll and Hyde, this is a case of Religion vs. science. Dr Lanyon and Jekyll debate about this in the book, a Victorian reader would find these ideas fascinating. The book is also focused on temptation, Adam and Eve were tempted by the tree of Knowledge and were then thrown out of the Garden of Eden and Jekyll is also tempted by the knowledge “that man is not truly one but truly two,” Science undermines the church by the theory of evolution. Victorian readers would find this fascinating, as well as the parallels between the Garden of Eden story and Jekyll’s life.

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Quality of writing
The Quality of Written Communication is food here. the candidate displays a proficient and accurate use of the English language, ensuring clarity and precision with their use of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Perhaps some more linguistics-based terminology could be used in order to answer the question and indicate a more knowledgeable analysis, but the lack of this is by no means detrimental to the essay's analysis.
Level of analysis
The Level of Analysis shown by the candidate in this essay is good, and indicates abilities to achieve a fair B grade for A Level. There is a good understanding of how the novel use characters, setting, theme ans certain events to shock it's intended audience (19th Victorian readers) as well as propose fascinating ideas about the Science vs. Religion debate or the belief of the Duality of Man; that more than one personality can live within one person. The candidate draws the question into the answer regularly, which is a brilliant way of explicitly showing how you are relating your analysis to the question - do not do this if what your saying does not related though, as this can look very bad and give the impression you don't really know what your talking about. But if it does relate, then linking the question e.g. "this is how X is fascinating", "Victorian readers would be shocked by X because" is a great way of being obvious with your analysis - thrusting your answers right under the examiners nose so they can't miss it.
Response to question
This is a proficient answer that tackles a fairly complex question confidently and with an intelligent recognition of the context of the time (though in parts perhaps, this could be stressed more). Recognition of context is absolutely imperative here - how did people think at the time the novel was written? Without this recognition, candidates cannot score highly on questions like these. This candidate shows some good knowledge of how people would've thought in the late 19th Century, referring to their staunchly religious views about God and the rising opposition from recent scientific revolutions and linking it well with the question, as is just one example. The structure of the answer is good, with the candidate appropriately breaking up sections and areas of analysis with their paragraphs. However, the concluding paragraph is very poor, and indicates that perhaps the candidate ran foul of a time limit that didn't give them enough time to form a sufficient conclusion. The conclusion should, naturally, make no big analytical points but to simply dissolve what should be around four-six lines to little under two lines does not count for a good conclusion. As conclusions are required to 'bookend' essays, the candidate loses marks for structure here. I recommend managing time better in order to ensure that even a small-ish introduction that sounds more conclusive than a statement that just as well suits the introductory paragraph.