Wilde’s most famous novel  is the Picture of Dorian Gray. It’s the story of a young man, Dorian Gray. He is so beautiful that a painter, his friend Basil Hallward, decides to paint hi portrait. After seeing his picture, Dorian manages to remain young and beautiful, while the signs of the passing years and dissipation appear on his portrait. So Dorian only lives to satisfy his desires, he devotes his life to pleasure-seeking, letting people die for his insensitivity. Later when Dorian sees that his portrait gradually takes on all the traces of his vice and corruption, he wants to free himself and stabs the picture but he kills himself. At the moment of death, while the painting regains its original beauty, all the hidden evil is revealed on Dorian’s wrinkled and ugly face.

This novel can be linked to the myth of Faust, the hero who gives up his soul for knowledge. Also the novel is characterized by the theme of a double life based on the contrast between appearance and reality. Though deeply corrupted, Dorian remains unchanged while the portrait is made ugly by vice and crime. Dorian meets his punishment in self-inflicted death because he cannot escape God’s judgment. The novel has also been read as a criticism of the Victorian middle-class, which hides its moral responsibilities under a face of hypocrisy and as a description of Wilde’s theories of art because art is eternal and it is more  important and truer than life.

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Shaw always conceived of drama as a vehicle of idea, that is why the drama is called the theatre of ideas  where the stage is used as a means to attack institutions or expose hypocrisy. The latter element is found in Ibsen’s plays. Indeed he writes stories set in the respectable world of the middle class, where individuals struggle to shake off the suffocating chains of social ties and conventions in order to find their personal freedom and identity. The characters created by Shaw are typical intellectuals and are identified with certain aspects of society. His plays deal with contemporary ...

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