Report: Charity Event for Cancer Research UK

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Personal and Professional Development for Managers


Report: Charity Event for Cancer Research UK

Tutor: Suzanne Weekes

Semester 1

October 2007 – January 2008

Student Names:                                                Student Numbers:

Dorcas Tukubama                                                20265117

Iptisam Ahmed                                                20262313

Kelly Muscat                                                        20223020

Martyna Stackiewicz                                        20265049

Toryalai Khogyanai                                                20262077



Introduction:                                                                                4

Main Report:                                                                                5-7

Conclusion:                                                                                8

Bibliography:                                                                                9

Appendices:                                                                                10


This group report was written to give other people information about the project we organised to rise awareness and collect money for the Cancer Research UK among the students and teachers at Thames Valley University. We chosen Cancer Research UK for our charity because some of our members were aware off cancer affect on peoples life. To make the event successful we have given a presentation to students at university to raise awareness, so they could support our event. We used different methods including fliers and posters to promote our event and insuring our event is successful.

We also looked at the belbin’s task. This has helped us to organise our event effectively because each student has contributed well as the group came up with different belbin role. Presentation was also included as part of our project and our time management  ha s helped up to

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This report will look at the way a group of first year students studying level 1 of BA Hons Airline and Airport Management, organised and conducted a charity event.  This charity event was an assignment set as part of the Personal and Professional Development for Managers (PPDM) module.  The main aim of this report and holding a charity event was to form a group and show the ability to work together, which represent good ...

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