Assess the extent to which superpowers influence action on global environmental concerns

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Assess the extent to which superpowers influence action on global environmental concerns (12)

Superpowers are large nations or groups of nations that have a large amount of power compared to other nations. They have a large amount of influence on the global environment locally, nationally, and globally. Although, with increasing damage to the physical environment, superpowers can be blamed. These concerns are often influenced by their actions.

As superpowers and emerging power nations are becoming larger and more powerful, there is a greater demand for resources, for example, in China, a country with a rapidly growing economy and manufacturing centre, they are now the world’s largest consumers of commodities such as coal, cotton, and wheat. Not only is this unreasonable to the rest of the world, but they also consume more than all countries combined, with total emissions it produces is now ⅓ of all emissions produced globally. This shows us how significant rising superpowers can be in terms of global concern, as it’s questionable whether that concern would even be present as china is contributing to a large extent. This can also lead to other degradation for instance in Africa. As chinas high demand for natural resources such as steel and copper, they have now moved much of their infrastructure into Africa and have created pollution havens in the region. China is not only adding to their global concerns, but the development of other regions is then further humiliation into other regions of Africa. This shows how significant a superpower can be.  

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Another example of how superpowers influence action on global environmental concerns can be seen with nations such as the USA. Like China, the USA also consumes a disproportionate amount of goods, compared to the rest of the world. It is the largest consumer of corn, electricity, oil, and gas. These are not only limiting supplies but also adding to co2 emissions. The USA is the 2nd highest co2 emitter, although compared to china, it is not. Now that China has more middle-class consumers, the rate of co2 emissions has grown 5 times the global average. Chinas meat consumption has ...

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