Can sustainable development be achieved in cold environments? Discuss.

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‘Cold environments may be developed in a sustainable manner’

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

According to the Brundtland Commission sustainable development is ‘development which can be sustained in the long term. It is the utilization and development of natural resources in ways which are compatible with the maintenance of these resources, and with the conservation of the environment, for future generations.’

The Arctic is not just an environment, it is home to almost four million people, including more than numerous different groups of indigenous peoples. Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes with a local climate in which at least one month has an average temperature high enough to melt snow (0°C or 32°F), but no month with an average temperature in excess of (10°C/50°F).. It is noted for its frost-moulded landscapes, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Most of its stored energy is in the form of dead organic matter (meaning it has a small biomass compared to other biomes). Furthermore, because of its harsh climate, there are large population oscillations, because of constant immigration and emigration. This is why any type of development in these environments can create world wide dispute between developers and environmentalists. Some believe that sustainable development can happen without any economic, social or environmental impacts; however some believe it is merely a prospect that is unreachable in the near future.

And the region known as Nunavut has supported a continuous population for approximately 4000 years. It has maintained a sustainable lifestyle through a number of different strategies.


They have developed the area in juxtaposition with the protection of wildlife. Residents of Nunavut are proud of their natural and cultural heritage, their strong relationship to the diverse landscape and its resources, their communities, their wildlife, and their rich and important history. Their Territorial Parks not only demonstrate and protect these significant natural and cultural areas, but they celebrate them and proudly showcase them locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Primarily established to serve local tourism through provision of camping and recreational opportunities, territorial parks are now meeting the changing expectations of both their residents and their visitors and are serving valuable roles for conservation of habitat and biodiversity, and wildlife protection. Parks and other tourism products create more than 500 jobs for Nunavummiut as guides and outfitters; support our Arts and Crafts and other related sectors; and put millions of dollars directly into the Nunavut community and territory.

Furthermore the wise use and careful management of the value of Nunavut's wildlife has been maintained for the benefit of future generations. Successful management has happened due to the cooperative and coordinated effort on the part of government and resource users. This is the founding principle of co-management and sustainable development.

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Successful co-management and sustainable development will rely in part on modern legislation. One of the key roles served by government in co-management is to provide the Institutes of Public Government with the best advice on which to make land use and resource decisions. This role is most intense with the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, where hundreds of decisions are considered each year pertaining to wildlife management. This has meant that the development has been able to co-exist with the environment.

Moreover the fishing and sealing industry have the potential to be a pillar of Nunavut's economy. Fisheries ...

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