Development Essay - BRAZIL

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Varun Mohapatra        Economics SL/HL        Macroeconomics

Development Essay


Brazil is a country, which has great potential for development. Even though it has developed greatly, it still faces many problems. For example, even though Sao Paulo is one of the most heavily urbanized cities, the inequality of income is very evident. Brazil is an industrial power with the largest population Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil has taken great steps to greatly improve its situation and come out of the shadow of several other industrial powers. It is quite evident by the way that Brazil is developing. Brazil is clearly a nation to be reckoned with.

        Brazil is a country that has a history of conquest. It was under the rule of Portugal for three centuries. A Portuguese navigator, Pedro Alvares Cabral, first discovered Brazil in 1500. Soon after, the first settlers started arriving in Brazil. They encountered natives who did not know the language and they just worked the land. Many Portuguese migrated to Brazil in order to escape the poverty that plagued them. The migrated so that they could change their way of life and find jobs. This part of South America soon evolved into a center for commerce and wealth for the landowners. But this was not without consequence as this development made for the import of slaves from Africa to work in the many plantations. This slave trade brought diseases to the New World (the Americas) and to the slaves that could not adapt to the diseases already existing in Brazil.

        Soon after, in 1807, Napoleon conquered Portugal causing the royal family to flee to Brazil. The king, Dom Joao, created a colony in Brazil and ruled it until things settled in Europe. He left his son, Don Pedro I as the new king in Brazil. But Don Pedro declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal later. Don Pedro I was against slavery even though he did not actively participate in eradicating it. Soon, in the 19th century, coffee started to substitute sugar as the main cash crop, due to the economics, the slave force and the competition between the Caribbean Islands. During this “coffee” revolution, Brazil became one of the most known countries in the world and brought immigrants from all over the globe.

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        In 1889, the second emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II was deposed and a republic was proclaimed by Deodoro da Fonseca, called the United States of Brazil. From 1889 to 1930, the government was a constitutional democracy, with the presidency rotating between the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. This period ended with a coup d’etat that placed Get Lio Vargas in the presidency. Just as the change of power took place, in 1889, so did a change of power in 1930. Get lio Vargas ruled as dictator until 1945 and served again as president from 1951 to 1954. ...

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