Discus to the extent to which you believe Carlisle floods 2005 were the result of intense rainfall rather than the physical characteristics of the drainage basin

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Discus to the extent to which you believe Carlisle floods 2005 were the result of intense rainfall rather than the physical characteristics of the drainage basin

January 2005 was a major even for Carlisle, as there was a major event. The rainfall was immensely high from the 6th to the 8th of January, during which two months of rainfall, although the previous days had high rainfall. During the flood, the rivers such as Eden, Kent and Derwent were the highest on record. The flood peaked in the upper parts of the Eden and Derwent catchments in the early hours of January 8th. In Carlisle, the River Eden peaked at an estimated 1520 m3/s at the Sheepmount Gauging Station at 140hrs on the 8th of January. This flow had returned again after approximately 175 years.

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Many geologists and people could say that the floods were cause by human impact, but in reality, that would be unlikely, but not impossible. It would not have been one of the major factors that cause the floods in Carlisle. However for example if, the vegetation in the river or around the river basin was removed or cut down, for the use of more land, or materialistic things, this could have affected the velocity of the river, as vegetation such as trees, act as an interception in the river causing its velocity to slow down. Also the land around the ...

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Good use of a lot of appropriate terminology. Quite well structured essay, though the content within this needs attention. There is a lack of understanding of the exact human and physical factors involved. Some are mentioned and the details of how they relate to this specific location are given. However, actually comparing and contrasting their relative importance is needed with more detail and clarity to fully address the title. The vague conclusion is evidence of this.