Discuss the impacts of the influx of foreigners and immigrants into Singapore.

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Discuss the impacts of the influx of foreigners and immigrants into Singapore.

All of a sudden, the floodgates were flung open and Singapore was swarmed by foreigners who now make up 36 percent of Singapore’s population. To make up for Singapore’s small and ageing population, the government started introducing foreign talents and workers into Singapore. This influx of foreigners and immigrants has led to both positive and negative impacts such as falling productivity, depletion of Singapore’s skilled manpower and rising economic growth.

Firstly, falling productivity due to rising competition is one of the impacts of the influx of foreigners. The question to be asked is this, are enough jobs being created for this influx in the present? If not, then we have a situation where an increasing pool of people is competing for a fixed number of jobs. Artificial and rapid population boosts without a proportional increase in jobs will lead to detrimental side effects such as depressed wages, lowered quality of life and lack of social well being. Foreigners who are semi-skilled and semi-professional do not bring anything extraordinary to Singapore that cannot be found locally. These foreigners end up competing with the local Singaporeans on what has traditionally been their economic turf. Many bright and talented local graduates have now resorted to selling insurance or property or are wasting their valuable hard-earned skills in unrelated fields because their traditional economic means is now being challenged by a huge number of foreigners. Thus, falling productivity due to underemployment as a result of competition is a huge impact.

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Furthermore, another impact of this influx is the depletion of Singapore’s skilled manpower. The number of Singaporeans emigrating to live abroad is on the rise.  In 2001, there were 66,000 Singaporeans living and working in Australia, US, Canada and New Zealand. As the majority of these emigrants are in the higher income and skills category, this outflow, if sustained in the longer run, will lead to a depletion of Singapore’s skilled manpower. While temporary overseas employment stints by citizens contribute to the accumulation of invaluable human capital and overseas contacts to further the nation's globalization efforts, the possibility of ...

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An evaluation of the economic impacts of immigration on Singapore. This answer could be improved by considering social and cultural impacts in addition to economic ones. 3 stars