Environmental considerations have, in recent years, become increasingly important within Design of consumer products. With reference to two dissimilar Product ranges, explain why true?

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Environmental considerations have, in recent years, become increasingly important within Design of consumer products. With reference to two dissimilar Product ranges, explain why true?

Environmental considerations in recent years have become a major factor within the design of consumer products, due to concerns of particular products driven by the human use in excessive amounts.

I feel this highlights one particular product range which has an effect on the present world we live in today dramatically, cars.

There was large concern during the ‘60s about the effect caused by cars on the environment, however this worry has reappeared.  

A whole new era of super-efficient cars and automobiles may arise due to another worldwide wave of government regulations. Bringing concern to Automakers and as a result preparing for a modify in their products.  William Clay Ford Jr., who becomes chairman of Ford in January, predicts an era of environmental issues and state that will "swell to undreamed-of heights" during the 21st century. He feels that smart automakers will prosper by anticipating the movement towards cleaner and environmentally friendly vehicles. The new ecological push is being driven largely by concerns about global warming caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What are we doing to prevent this problem? Not all scientists agree global warming is real, but every major car company is developing alternate power plants to address the emissions issue anyway. legislation has been implemented on the use of on-board diagnostic systems (OBD) which will tell vehicle owners if the emissions of the vehicle is too high and a light on the instrument panel will indicate that there is a need to repair the vehicle. Also for vehicle in use there is legislation on periodic inspections at which the vehicle owners maintenance of the vehicle is checked. To reduce emissions during short trips, when the catalytic converter is less effective, and driving during winter-time, a separate requirement on "cold start emissions" was introduced. This part of the legislation is of particular importance for city driving where the average trip normally is very short.  

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I believe there are also other Designs of consumer products in which are becoming increasingly important within considerations of the environment such as every day products from shampoos and conditioners to floor cleaners. As a result of these being used to excessive amounts the environment and its public are being damaged or harmed. The list below all contain dangerous chemicals that cause numerous harm such as nervous system, skin, kidneys, and eye damage. 

1. All-purpose cleaners

2. ammonia-based cleaners

3. Bleach, brass or other metal polishes

4. Dishwater detergents

5. Disinfectants

6. Drain cleaners

7. Floor wax ...

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