Experiment to determine soil texture by touch and physical analysis

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 The most important measure of soil is texture and size distribution of mineral particles. This is because the divided soil particles have a greater surface are per unit mass than the combine particles (Coarse particles). Therefore it can be said that a large mass of gravel or sand, will be less relevant in relation to chemical reactions than a minor amount of fine silt and clay. This is because it allows for better exposure to nutrients and the retention of moisture.

Soil texture is the categorization of soil particles into three groups. Firstly, clay which is less than 0.002mm. Secondly, silt which is between 0.002 and 0.005, and third, sand which is between 0.005 and 2mm. With the use of Stoke’s law that is the governing rate of sedimentation of particles that are suspended in water. The amount of water in the soil sample will determine the percentage of moisture. With the moisture percentage, we can calculate the bulk density. In general, we can then determine the soil texture with both the feel method and the hydrometer method.

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Both the method and material can be found in the Sample Lab Manual on pages 15-21.


 The soil texture allowed us to discover the true elements in the soil between our hands. The gritty feel reinforced the existence of sand. While the stickiness of the sand referred to the amount of clay, and the sliminess related to the amount of silt in the soil.

Mass of the can and lid = 59.02 grams

Mass of the can, lid, and soil = 139.45 grams

Mass of soil = 139.45 – 59.02 = 80.43 grams

The initial mass and ...

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