Explain why, for both physical and human reasons, some coastlines attract more management than others.

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Explain why, for both physical and human reasons, some coastlines attract more management than others.

Coastal management involves controlling development and change, and undertaking works in the coastal zone. Good management involves taking into account both physical and environmental considerations, as well as the views of local residents and others involved. There are two different types of coastal engineering, the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ strategies. Hard engineering includes man made defences such as sea walls, a costly wall place on the seaward side away from the base of the cliffs needing an additional advanced line of protection such as rocks on their seaward side. Groynes, timber posts and boards which run out to the sea at right angles to trap sediment drifting along the coast. Gabions, cages enclosing shingle or small blocks of rocks, and revetments, defences that are aligned parallel to the shore including post, pillars or walls of rocks placed on the foreshore. Soft engineering includes planting trees and grasses in and around the beach, encouraging sand nourishment by adding more sand, and then most drastically, a managed retreat which involves moving homes and farmland.

Physical influences such as the type of wave and fetch can determine the type of management used. For instance, if an area with a high, destructive wave count was not to receive a management scheme, and planners decide to retreat from the area, then this hypothetical area could soon be eroded back to an area that is no longer worth protecting. Furthermore, the sediment build-up and sea floor surrounding the area will have a large influence on the have energy, and as a result will be investigated before construction of a particular form of engineering can take place.

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Some coastlines that would attract lots of human management are those that are areas of large settlements. When people live in a coastal area they do not want to have to move their homes and will endeavour to manage the coastline to protect their land as much as possible. This can have a terrible affect on coastlines further down the coast as the flooding will be moved them.

Areas of natural beauty such as the sand dunes in Britain and coral reefs off more tropical coasts will also have an affect on the management, if any, is used. ...

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This is a reasonable attempt at this question. It contains relevant ideas and some useful case study information. Its structure could be improved. The author could have made more frequent use of key terms from the questions such as "physical" and "human". A crucial aspect of the question is the need to compare places. In several parts of the question the author has missed the opportunity to draw these comparisons.