Extinction of Glaciers: Endangering Life

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Extinction of Glaciers:

Endangering Life

In my research paper I will talk about "How melting of Glaciers endangering life". I

choose this topic because I personally think

        Warm temperatures are very essential for human existence.  Global Warming of the Earth has caused the climate to heat up and become suitable for human existence.  However, because of the excess amount of greenhouses gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere, global warming is increasing rapidly.  This warming is causing various problems.  In An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore discusses some of those problems.  He is concerned about the melting of glaciers, a primary affect of Global Warming.  The concentration of greenhouses gases in our atmosphere is increasing at a rapid rate, causing excessive soil erosion and thus, endangering the existence of human life on the Earth.

Mountain glaciers are a product of climate and are important environmental components of local, regional, and global water cycle.  Glaciers are sources of beauty in the mountain landscapes and, in many cases, have been among the primary agents responsible for formatting these landscapes.  Glaciers mass balance data has received increasing attention in recent years, because of their usefulness in detecting climate change and explaining rising sea level (Dyurgerov).  Understanding changes in glacier volume is important for regional water supply and power generation.  In addition, to observations made by the scientific community, tourists and climbers have shown that Alpine glaciers are disappearing from mountain ranges around the globe.  These changes have profound implications for sources of fresh water on land, cause sea level rise and make mountains less attractive, and more difficult and less appealing to climb (Dyurgerov).  Ironically, the resurgence of interest in mountain glaciers coincides with declining funds for programs to monitor glacier mass balance.  Many glaciological stations, with observational records of 20 years and longer, were closed in the former Soviet Union during the 1980—1990’s e.g. Fedchenko and Abramor Glaciers in the Pamir, Shumskiy Glaciers in Dzhungaria Gloubina Glacier in the Tien Shan, Obruchera and IGAN Glaciers in the Polar Ural, varilova Ice cap in Severnaya Zalmlya.  Several glaciological stations were also closed in the U.S.A. (e.g. Blue Glacier in the Olympic Mountains), in Canada (e.g. Sentinel Glacier in the Rockey Mountains), and in East Africa (e.g. Lewis Glacier, Kenya).  Despite the importance of glacier studies, funds for glacier monitoring by labor intensive routine methods are declining.  This necessitates the incorporation of new technologies, such as air—and space—born laser altimetry and remote sensing, to monitor changes of large glaciers and glaciers system.  The melting of glaciers is accelerating day by day.

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The earth is covered with a thin layer of gases called the atmosphere.  The light from the Sun enters the atmosphere and is reflected back into space.  The greenhouse gases such as CO2, Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) trap a portion of these outward—bound heat waves, thus, resulting in a hike of the Earth’s global temperature.  We are considering that only carbon dioxide makes the Earth’s temperature rise.  On the other hand not only CO2, but there are many other gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and major chlorofluorocarbons (F11 and F12) which is produced from industrial, agricultural, automobiles and energy—generating sources that can ...

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