Factors Influencing Location.

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Factors Influencing Location

Sometimes firms have to decide where to build a new factory. It is important to consider the different costs of different locations. Businessmen take into account the natural and acquired advantages of a particular area.

Natural Advantages

  • An area may have a water source for waste disposal or cooling.
  • An area may be flat or isolated and attract dangerous or unpleasant industries.
  • An area may have the right climate for the production of a good.
  • Weight-losing industries use bulky raw materials to produce a compact finished product and tend to locate near the source of raw materials.

Acquired Advantages

An area may have developed a number of advantages as the result of firms locating in the region. These are called external economies of scale.

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Weight-gaining industries use compact raw materials to produce a bulky finished product and tend to locate near the major market for the good.

Footloose Industries

A footloose industry gains no particular advantage from any one location usually because transport costs are the same for each site.

Industrial inertia occurs when a firm continues to expand on its existing site even though there are cheaper alternatives.

Structure of UK Industry

Regional Structure of UK Industry

The localisation of industry occurs when there is a concentration of producers of a particular product in one area. See Table 6.1

Table 6.1 Structure of UK industry by region

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