Geography River Analysis

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When I began this investigation, I set out to observe and achieve a greater understanding of how the River Thame’s characteristics differ at different parts of the river downstream and also across the surface of it. I think that I have achieved that task, and now feel that I have a greater understanding of the way in which a river’s characteristics differ at various points downstream.

There were many limitations of the resources and methods in which we chose to collect our data. One of these, is the measuring of the velocity with an orange, this is most probably why there is no real trend to my results for velocity. I am putting the differences of the velocity to the fact that when we measured the velocity, some members of the group who were making these measurements, started recording the times before the orange was floating, so the time would be longer resulting in the velocity to decrease. Also in the final stages when we were recording our results, the orange was splitting due to the fact that some members were not handling the orange with enough care. This resulted in the orange absorbing a lot of water into it and therefore all the extra water increases the drag making the velocity slower.

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The problems to the pebble collection are that we may have been unsuccessful with the pebbles which we collected as these may have possibly been not the average pebble for that site. This might be because someone’s desire is often to select pebbles, most of the times they go for the big and smooth ones. The fact that we only took 15 pebbles from each site most probably was not enough and also maybe the fact that I only did the graph for the means which doesn’t show the individual outliers for the pebble size.

Some of my data agrees ...

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