Globalisation is mainly an economic process. Discuss (30)
“It has been said that arguing against globalisation is like arguing against the laws of gravity”-Kofi Annan. This statement is perhaps considered to be true but is globalisation mainly an economic process? Although many countries consider globalisation as a benefactor economically, it can also be perceived as other benefactors e.g. socially, technologically as well as politically. The countries of the United Kingdom and China are examples of these countries that have been affected by this.
The Global economy is the combined economies across the world; it provides us with much information on the main contributors in terms of GDP (Gross National Product). The top 10 countries in terms of GDP are United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Brazil, Italy, India, and Canada. According to data from the World Bank and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) GDP per capita stands at $10,500 (USD), furthermore, 30% of the world population currently 7 billion is currently unemployed, this is compounded by the fact that 3.25 billion people are living on less than $2 a day.
China located in the continent of Asia is an example of how globalisation is mainly an economic process, it is now known to some as, “the workshop of the world” commonly used to describe Great Britain’s industrial revolution this could be similar after China’s Cultural Revolution and Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms led them to integrate themselves into the Global economy as they opened up a more mixed economy and a more market based system. This is shown as in 2002 exports to other countries had increased by 21% to $322 billion. Moreover, according to the financial times, China’s foreign direct investment has increased dramatically since the 1990’s when it first opened up the country to the Global Market this is shown as in 1990 the FDI (foreign direct investment) was at less than $4 billion, however, in 2010 it is estimated that they would have received over $100 billion. Another reason why China is an example of this is because when it joined the world trade organisation also known as the WTO, this means that they have the ability to trade more freely and so become more globalised, this lead to an increase in demand for exports from overseas and so increased China’s economic growth this is supported by car sales in china increase by 1 million in 2002 with it to rise to just under 5 million by 2010. From this you can see that globalisation is mainly an economic process as China’s economic reforms in the 1970’s after the Cultural Revolution led the country to become more globalised.