How the public services serve their communities.

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Task-1 how the public services serve their communities

To: station officer David Blaine

From: fire-fighter Matthew Keyland

Date: 22/01/2004


I have been asked to research at least three public services including examples of uniformed and non uniformed services and statutory and non statutory services. My report must cover the following areas:


A) How would you define the term citizen and citizenship in your work?


B) Identify some of the different social groups in society that these services are likely to deal with in the course of their duties?


C) A list of qualities a good citizen may display and explaining which of the qualities would help an employee in a specific public service to carry out their duties.


D) How public services deal with environmental issues using specific examples.


98% of people in Britain are British citizens. This means that the majority of the fifty to sixty million people living on the British isles are all in demand of statutory and non statutory services. Being a citizen also means you have responsibilities as well as rights. It is a citizens responsibility to pay taxes abide by the law and choose a government that helps run the country.

        It is the role of police, fire, and ambulance service to ensure your rights are protected and for these services it means dealing with many types of citizen from old age pensioners to a different race of people who all need to be given the same treatment. The question that I am going to consider first is:

  1. how would you define the term citizen and citizenship in your work?

I asked a member of each of the following forces how they would define the term citizen and citizenship.. they replied:


Police force(Statutory): “ that’s not a question I get asked everyday, I would say though, citizenship, it’s a member of a country or nation who has been excepted by the government or act in power to have rights in there region or government. A citizen is someone who already has citizenship.”

        In connection with their work, you have to be a full British citizen to be a member of the British police force. The police have the role of ensuring British citizens security delivering a service that meets their needs. To a policeman as long as you remain in the three points below you are considered a good citizen to them:

  • abide by the law
  • safeguard fellow citizens
  • offers support to the police e.g. financial, verbal etc


National health service(statutory): (nurse) “I would define the term citizen as some one who has full rights in a county and citizenship as acceptance in to the country that they ordinarily live in.”

        In connection with their work a good citizen would be someone who does a similar job to them by caring for the public. A good citizen to the NHS would be someone who matches up to the following criteria:

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  • someone who cares for the less fortunate
  • someone who show respect for the less fortunate
  • someone who helps their fellow citizen


Salvation army(non-statutory): “well to be honest I don’t know” (I give bit of help) “so its someone who has legal residence in a country by either birth right or acceptance.”

        In connection with the work of salvation army a good citizen is some one who like them selves helps the needy by offering time to listen to people who have problems or offering donations to help fund the assistance given. A good citizen ...

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