Land Use Studies Town and country planning

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Ryan Holmes                B102LU

Student Number: 0601665                Assignment 2

Land Use Studies

Assignment 2

The government has four primary objectives for rural areas:

  1. To raise the quality of life and the environment in rural areas.
  2. To promote more sustainable patterns of development.
  3. To promote the development of the English regions by improving their economic performance so that all are able to reach their full potential.
  4. To promote sustainable, diverse and adaptable agriculture sectors.

(ODPM, Planning Policy Statement 7, 2004)


  1. Explain what these four objectives mean.
  2. What are the problems associated with rural areas, and will meeting these four objectives begin to address them?

Q a        i) To raise the quality of life and the environment in rural areas.

By developing guidelines and policies within the planning system to promote sustainable development patterns and sustainable communities in rural areas, the Government aims to achieve:

  • Community building

In order for rural communities to sustain and enhance their identity and sustainability, planning policies dictated in Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) and Local Development Documents (LDD) should include those which ensure that the quality of housing in rural areas is good, the quality of the rural environment is maintained or improved and that the intrinsic value of the countryside is enhanced.

  • Economic stability, growth and diversification

By encouraging economic growth and diversification in rural areas through the planning system, the Government wants to ensure that the quality of life in rural areas is not only improved but is also sustainable, with community involvement in economic activities essential for the long term survival of rural communities.

  • Maintaining local identities

If the local identity of a community is maintained, this helps enhance the intrinsic qualities of the local countryside and, in turn, also helps communities recognise the importance of conserving their local identity. The importance of maintaining the local identities of rural communities is also recognised by the Government because the local distinctiveness of rural environments contributes enormously to the value of the countryside as a whole.

  • Providing better community services and facilities

It is specifically mentioned in Planning Policy Statement 7 (PPS7) that the rural population should have reasonable access to a variety of services and facilities and that local planning authorities should, through their LLDs, “facilitate and plan for accessible new services and facilities…”. This is of particular importance to those rural areas where there is a need for new or improved services or facilities, and especially those areas that are growing or developing.

By raising the quality of life and the environment in rural areas, the Government aims to protect and enhance the value of rural areas and to create sustainable and thriving communities in rural areas.

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Q a        ii) To promote more sustainable patterns of development.

Sustainable development is an essential part of the planning system, if not the most important objective in terms of land use.

In PPS7 the Government makes it clear that sustainable development should be achieved by:

  • ensuring that most development is focused in or around existing rural towns and villages, thus preventing excessive or uncontrolled urban growth;
  • ensuring that, where possible, local planning authorities should encourage the use of previously developed (brownfield) sites and discourage the use of previously undeveloped (greenfield) sites

(The Government also recommends ...

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