Locality and Hapiness: A Study of Quality of Life

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DAVID ADEROJU                10R

Quality of life 

A way of measuring people’s access to their basic needs, e.g. clean water, good quality housing, e.t.c.

I really don’t know much about the Quality of life of these three urban areas. But according to what we’ve done in class, I can still produce the table below:


I believe that the best urban area will be Upminster as it has a lavish lifestyle and will have the best healthcare, housing, education and lowest crime rate. The worst urban area will be Whitechapel and will be the complete opposite of Upminster.

Key Questions

To help me get started with the coursework I thought of various key questions that I would include in my questionnaire that would help me get good answers. The questions were based on the topics such as crime, education, housing, transport, jobs, healthcare, recreation areas, shopping facilities and overall life in those areas.

The key questions are below:

  • How would you rate the level of education in your local area?
  • How would you rate the local healthcare in your area?
  • How would you rate the local shops in your area?
  • How would you rate the local housing in your area?
  • How would you rate the local recreation (parks) in your area?
  • How would you rate the council on your area?
  • How would you rate the level of friendliness in your area?
  • How would you rate the level of crime rates in your area?
  • How would you rate the level of transport in your area?
  • What would be your overall rating for area?


The purpose of this coursework is to help me understand more about life in evident to these three urban areas and also to compare the three areas to see specific similarities and differences. Also to research on other informations, about the Quality of life of these three urban areas, to see if they are factual.

The first place I have decided to study is Upminster. Upminster is located on the eastern edge of London, on the border with Essex. It is a reasonably wealthy area to live in because of its expensive housing, and overall good lifestyle and the crime rate is not too bad when compared to other local towns in Havering. It is very much an upper class area where people who are high earning or have a lot of money like to live. Upminster is a very traditional area and is not modern like certain other urban areas around London.

Since I could not get any professional map Upminster, I’ve decided to use the ones provided by the school on the day of the research.


The second place I did research on was Barking. In the past, Barking was an old fishing town with a thriving market business where many people used to visit. Now it is a modern town with big name shopping chains and it is quite a prosperous and trendy area. The housing in Barking is quite good considering that the town is not an upper class area like Upminster. Instead, it is a working class town that is improving. A few negatives though about Barking are the crime rate, which is quite bad when compared to other local boroughs. A lot of the crime seems to be linked with the council estates of the Gascoigne and Harts Lane areas and it sometimes gives Barking a substandard repute. The job opportunities in Barking are decent but not the best so many residents just like in Upminster commute for their jobs daily.

Since I could not get any professional map Barking, I’ve decided to use the ones provided by the school on the day of the research.


The last place I did research on for this project was Whitechapel. Whitechapel was a very poverty-stricken, obscure traditional East End town and in some areas it is still like that now. Whitechapel has a very rich history as this was the site of one of the most notorious killers of all time, Jack the Ripper’s attacks on many women. Although all these problems occurred in the past, Whitechapel has now managed to become a completely new area. And according to what we saw when we went there, it still has that look of the World War. The place has still got some deserted and old houses, since it was one of the major arenas of the war.

Since I could not get any professional map Whitechapel, I’ve decided to use the ones provided by the school on the day of the research.


         I believe I will be able to prove my hypothesis theory correct due to the information I get from the internet ,the information I get form my questionnaires allocated to people form each urban area and also to one source. That source is the Burgess Concentric Ring Model which will help prove that the further away from the Central Business District the wealthier and better the town will be. Whereas the closer to the Central Business District the less wealthy and worst the town will be. Upminster is in zone 5 of the model which is very far away from the Central Business District so therefore it will be the best quality town as it is in a high class residential area. Barking would be in zone 4 which means it would be in a middle class residential area.  Meanwhile Whitechapel would be in zone 3 which is the worst of the three areas so it would be in the low class residential area. I believe the questions that I will ask (the questionnaires) will prove my hypothesis correct because it will relate to the Burgess Concentric Ring Model.

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All this is explained better in the diagram of the Burgess Concentric Ring Model below:





To start this coursework, I will create a 10 question questionnaire to ask people in Whitechapel, Upminster and Barking.  The questions I will devise have to be relevant to ...

This is a preview of the whole essay