Wealth → Allows superpowers to export their power around the world buy resources and influence trade patterns.
Cultural power → it’s about exerting influence through the media to spread culture.
Geographical power → the sphere of influence a superpower has on other countries. (For example: Britain has given other countries our language.
Military power → Today military power means access to nuclear weapons, a countries military weapons reflects the power they have.
The Colonial Rule:The British Empire was former British controlled territory. (Group of colonies brought under British rule)
Presidential Palace – Delhi
The navy provided a link between home country & overseas colonies. NAVY = MILITARY POWER!!
2nd world war – UK went bankrupt – couldn’t support empires, the colonies pushed for independence and most became independence by 1970’s
1945-1990 ‘The Cold War’
Between the USA and the Soviet Union!!
After WW2 the two superpowers emerged.
USA → Policy to globalise its sphere of influence and become a stronger player in the world.
USSR → (Unions of soviet specialist’s republic) didn’t agree with belief & politics of USA, USSR took advantage of collapsed countries in EU & Enforced a communist regime.
However the Soviet Union began to collapse:
- In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. He reshaped the economy and allowed some private business in a process called Perestroika.
- He allowed them more freedom however new policies caused food and medicine shortages.
- His methods sparked demand for democracy in Eastern Europe.
- 1989-1991 – states within the USSR claimed independence and the Soviet Union fell apart.
Fall of the Soviet Union:
Implications of shifting power!
- US national intelligence council suggested the BRIC’s would grow at the expense of the USA and the EU.
- There would be increasing conflict over resources such as food, water and fuel
- Major issues regarding dealing with climate change, trade and market access.
Emerging superpowers provide the developing world with new opportunities?
- Many rich countries direct high % of foreign aid to peripheral countries, which binds the nations
- Some periphery countries are gaining economic independence through 2 ways:
- Nationalisation – Government buying businesses from company shareholders or claiming the company.
- Countries have formed cartels.
Case studies:
OPEC, an oil cartel!!
The organisation of petroleum exporting countries was established in 1960 to counter oil price cuts by USA and EU oil companies.
- 1979 Opec countries produced 65% of world petroleum
- 36% by 2007, decreased due to lack of excess pumping capacity.
Growth of China
- MEDC companies will invest in order to sell their products in an emerging market
- Consumers benefit from cheap products that are mass produced in China
- Could lead to a decline in US economy as India and china pay lower wages and produce goods more competitively
- Western countries worried that Chinese influence in Africa is stronger than EU and USA
- Increased environmental impact e.g. Transport emissions, acidification and poor air quality