Geography MYP Coursework

River Studies

Rio Lizandro is a river located in Portugal, near the district of Lisbon, and has an approximate length of 30km. In this coursework, we have to test the hypothesis related to the characteristics of the Rio Lizandro to discover if it is justified. In order to do so, we will have to draw, measure and calculate the data which we are give on four different sites along the river, and thus conclude with an analysis on the relationship between our results and the given hypothesis.  

Task 2: State the aim of the study. You need to explain the hypothesis and perhaps suggest what you expect to be the outcome referring to Bradshaw’s Model River.

The aim of this study is to use the given data on the four different sites along the Rio Lizandro to see how its river variables change and compare it to Bradshaw’s model. By doing this, we will be able to test the hypothesis and conclude on whether or not it is correct.

The Bradshaw Model is a geographical model which illustrates how a river’s characteristics differ from the mouth to source, or lower course to upper course, of a river. According to Bradshaw’s model, the hypothesis is that «Stream characteristics (i.e. cross-sectional area, discharge, velocity, efficiency, and gradient) all change along the course of the river and they are related to each other».

Source                                                                                                  Mouth

The diagram above displays Bradshaw’s model river. From this, we can see that the hypothesis briefly states that the characteristics of a river, namely cross sectional area, discharge, velocity, efficiency and gradient, all have a tendency to vary along with the movement of the river. Also, the hypothesis states that they are all interrelated: if one characteristic differs, then so will the others. An example of this, referring to the diagram, would mean that as the load size decreases, the cross sectional area would increase – thus proving that those characteristics which are placed side by side on the diagram should have an inversely proportional effect, whilst other characteristics which are vertically in line should increase proportionally.

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Referring to the outcome of my study, I predict that the given hypothesis will be correct. By observing the model above, we can see that as the river moves from the source to the mouth, each and every characteristic will change, and as one varies, the others will as well because they are interconnected. For example, for the Rio Lizandro, I predict that as the friction decreases as the river moves along its course, the average velocity and efficiency of the river will increase. This change in average velocity will cause the cross sectional area to increase, and so ...

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