Study Figure 4, which shows age/sex pyramids for four countries - Describe and suggest reasons for the variations shown in population structure, and with reference to named examples, discuss the geographical issues arising from challenging population stru

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Study Figure 4, which shows age/sex pyramids for four countries.

a) Describe and suggest reasons for the variations shown in population structure. (12 Marks)

Observing ‘Country A’ with a population of 31.0 million, it is evident the country concerned has a high birth rate. The wide base suggests a high birth rate, approximately 20% of population is in the 0-4 age range.

The pyramid suggests it’s an LEDC country at Stage 2 in its youthful progression, for example, India, Iran, and Iraq. It also appears there is high infant mortality and maybe caused due to the lack of education, and maybe even due to its culture, for example, India, infanticide is commonplace of baby girls where they are seen to be not as of value than baby boys. It is also apparent there is few old people, suggesting low life expectancy obviously due to poor healthcare, diet, lack of services available to the elderly etc.

‘Country B’ appears to have a low population of 3.06 million, which suggests to be a small country or the population is spatial. 8% of the population is between the 0-4 age range so a lower birth rate may mean a lower infant mortality rate, an increase in development, a lower infant mortality rate etc..

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Observing the pyramid it is clear that the age between 20 and 39 there has been a population increase, where a baby boom had been taken place roughly back in the 60’s and 70’s maybe due to the aftermath of a war or the other perspective could be that immigrants came in so the working/productive age increased. Better medical care is evident in this country due to the high age range between 60-80, so this country is obviously a developing nation e.g. Mauritius.

Observing ‘Country C’ there is a high population of 33.7 million, where it is apparent to ...

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