Sustainable development

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Outline the concept of sustainable development (5)

Sustainable development involves “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (World Commission on Environment and Development). Sustainable development is the way in which developing undergoing industrialisation will avoid becoming industrialised carbon intensive nations with a high level of emissions, much like current industrialised countries. Sustainable development can be achieved through planning of urban dwelling for example inner city terrace housing is more energy efficient than rural detached housing as they have less exterior walls. It can also be achieved through government policy for example within the EU the law requires that an Environmental Impact Assessment is carried out for all large scale civil engineering projects eg. motorways.

Discuss the view that rapid economic growth is unsustainable (20)

Rapid economic growth often is unsustainable as it does not meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The excessive consumption of natural resources and the environmental and social impacts are felt throughout countries that have experienced rapid economic growth. This will be illustrated throughout the essay. However, not all rapid economic growth has been unsustainable.

    Spain has experienced rapid economic growth however; this has been extremely environmentally unsustainable. Between 1995 and 2005 the building of new infrastructure has doubled and primary energy consumption rose by almost 5% each year. The gap between Spain’s ecological footprint and its biocapacity grew by 34%. Tourism is a major factor why Spain has experienced rapid economic growth. The Balearic region, for example, consumed resources at nearly six times its biocapacity in 2005. 

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    Rapid economic growth in Taiwan has led to environmental degradation. Taiwan’s success is partly due to its lack of pollution restrictions compared to its trading partners. Major urban pollution sources include cars, motorcycles, and industrial emissions. Water pollution is caused by domestic sewage (25%), industrial waste water (54%), and domestic animal waste (21%). Untreated sewage in the water has also led to a high rate of hepatitis. The soil has been contaminated due to industrial development and agricultural intensification. Hazardous waste dumped in the countryside contributed to 3000 people being poisoned by PCB contaminated waste. Noise pollution is ...

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