The AutoMobile            Irfan Khokhar

The automobile was not invented by Henry Ford but he brought it mainstream and developed ways of producing it more efficiently and cheaply.

 He built his first car in 1896 at home in his garage. Symbolic of the American century to come, the door of the shed was too small and bricks had to be removed to make way for the car but this was the start of a new trend and a prospering industry, which was primed at the peak of the boom.

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The automobile had come to seem a necessity, rather than an economic luxury. People were willing to sacrifice food, clothing, and their savings in order to keep the family car.

A famous promotional quote said by Henry Ford:

"Americans can have any kind of car they want, and any color they want, as long as it's a Ford, and as long as it's black."

There were also many knock-on effects after the mainstream production of the automobile these are some:

Economic Effects of the Automobile:

Growth of other industries was promoted, especially petroleum, rubber, and steel because of ...

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