The effects of overpopulation on the environment

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                The effects of overpopulation on the environment

The world population reached 6 billion, on October 12, 1999. It will reach 9.3 billion by 2050. The impacts of continued population growth are already felt by a majority of nations. Overpopulation is the root cause of most environmental problems. The demands of increasing population magnify demands for natural resources, clean air and water, as well as access to wilderness areas. This means an increase in the demand for living space. The quality of life for future generations depends on stabilising both domestic and world population.  

The dramatic rise, in population has transpired for several reasons;

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1) Decreasing death rates in poorer countries, due to medical enhancements, better nutrition and improved sanitation.

2) Modern agricultural methods, can now sustain the level of food production, with the level of food demand.

3) High mortality balanced by a high birth rate led to stable populations before the rapid growth in the eighteenth century (the introduction of modern medicine & agriculture)

4) Religious beliefs that promote large families and lack of education for women in poorer countries hamper the ability to control populations.

5) Only Western forms of birth control techniques and educational programs will ...

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