The World Trade Organisation and China.

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  1. What is the World Trade Organization and what does it do?

The world trade organization is an organization that supervises and liberates world trade. The organization deals with regulation of trade between countries and provides an outline for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a argument resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' loyalty to WTO agreements which are signed by representatives of member governments.

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  1. When did China join the World Trade Organization and what terms did they agree to?

China agreed to join the WTO on September 17th 2001. China demanded the right to be able to subsidize its farmers up to 10% - the levels allowed for developing countries - but finally agreed to settle at 8.5%.

  1. Why were countries weary about China’s behavior within the WTO?

China enters the WTO and must start to lower its barriers to imported goods. But countries have found it hard to get china to comply. . Foreigners seeking patent, trademark, and ...

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