Were the Five Year Plans successful?

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Were the Five Year Plans successful?

Stalin introduced the Five Year Plans for security because he believed the USSR was likely to be attacked and would there fore be defeated unless USSR is modernized, he wanted to be able to produce goods to export and bring in foreign currency.  The Plans were drawn up by Gosplan, setting targets each industry had to meet in five years.  Each factory would have its own targets to contribute to the overall target of that industry.  Factories or industries that not succeed in meeting there targets were punished and those who did were rewarded.

The 1st FYP was from 1928-32; the target was to double take output in heavy industry, e.g. coal, iron, oil and electricity.  Although the targets were not met a substantial industrial growth was achieved. The 2nd FYP emphasised heavy industry but was also to consumer goods.  The 3rd FYP emphasised consumer goods but targets were disrupted when Hitler invaded Russia which caused demands and preparation for re-armament for war.  

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After the FYP the growth of industry had increased.   The soviet industries had advanced; Russia was now the 2nd biggest industrial power in 1941 and was no longer an easy target for invasion, especially the Germans.   New industrial centres developed and old areas were re developed, e.g. Magnitogorsk is a massive town producing steel, a hydro-electric dam was built on the River Drieper and transport was developed, e.g. Belomor Canal.  

The urban population had increased by 29 million in 1929 to 1939.  Between 1929 and 1937 investment in education and training schemes created a skilled workforce ...

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Overall a good review of the Five Year Plans and some of the impacts that they had. To improve, further statistics could have been used to provide evidence for the points made and references could have been given. 4 stars