What are the effects of Deforestation?

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Vegetation, in particular trees, absorb carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide throughout their lives by the process of
photosynthesis. This carbon is stored in the carbohydrates produced. Although some of this is used up quickly in respiration, which returns the carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, some is changed to fats and proteins.

As man has evolved, however, he has slowly overrun the forests. Some figures say that at the moment, and area of woodland the size of Wales is destroyed every week. This causes several problems:

  • Less carbon dioxide is absorbed form the atmosphere
  • When trees are burnt or decay through the action of microbes, this carbon and methane is released
  • More carbon is being released than is being absorbed

So the amount of carbon in the atmosphere has increased. So what? Well, it is thought by many scientists that this increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide could enhance the .

On a smaller scale, the destruction of trees destroys habitats and can lead to the expansion of deserts as the nutrient rich soil around the trees is held together by the tree roots. Without these, the soil is erroded away.

The levels of CO2 and methane are slowly rising. These gases thicken the atmosphere, reducing the amount of energy radiated by the Earth's surface and keeping it warmer than it would be otherwise.

Increased levels of these gases may be causing the enhanced greenhouse effect. An increase in the Earth's temperature may cause:

  • A big change in the Earth's climate
  • Increased sea level - flooding low-lying areas

So what may be causing the enhanced greenhouse effect? An increased cattle population, releasing methane, and the burning of fossil fuels, releasing CO2, are thickening the atmosphere.

The carbon cycle is a complex series of processes through which all of the carbon atoms on earth rotate. In one part of the cycle, plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and through photosynthesis incorporate the associated carbon atoms into sugars and other molecules necessary for growth. Plants use some of these sugars to generate energy in a process called respiration, which returns carbon atoms back to the atmosphere in the form of CO2. However, much of the carbon absorbed remains "locked up" in the plants' biomass until decomposition or fire releases it back to the atmosphere. As the graphic illustrates, carbon atoms are constantly being cycled through the earth's atmosphere by a number of physical, natural and industrial processes.

Although natural transfers of carbon dioxide are approximately 20 times greater than those due to human activity, they are in near balance, with the magnitude of carbon sources closely matching those of the sinks. The additional carbon resulting from human activity is the cause of the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration over the last 150 years.

Carbon reservoirs

Like most other objects in the universe, the Earth holds a great deal of carbon. Carbon reservoirs include the atmosphere, forests, soils, fossil fuels, and oceans.

In 1994, the atmosphere contained about 750 gigatons of carbon (Gt C) in the form of CO2. This total amount of carbon corresponds to an average atmospheric concentration of CO2 of 358 parts per million (ppm) by volume, although the actual CO2 concentration varies slightly from place to place and from season to season. During the past decade, the average concentration of CO2 has been increasing by about 1.5 ppm per year; as of 2002 the concentration was approximately 365, corresponding to about 765 Gt C.

Terrestrial vegetation by comparison contains about 610 Gt C, stored mostly as cellulose in the stems and branches of trees. Soils hold two to three times that much in the form of dead organic matter, or humus. The oceans contain even more carbon - some 38,000 Gt - but the greatest part of these vast stores are held effectively out of circulation in the form of dissolved bicarbonate in the intermediate and deep ocean.

Fossil fuels hold one of the largest reserves of carbon dioxide - on the order of 5000 Gt. That there is so much more carbon stored in fossil fuels than in the air is important, for it shows that burning these reserves - which releases carbon directly to the air in the form of carbon dioxide - can bring about some very large changes in atmospheric CO2, especially if it cannot be naturally cycled our of the atmosphere through the natural removal processes.

Affecting the Carbon Cycle: Forests as Natural Sinks

Solving the climate change problem is a matter of restoring the balance in the global carbon cycle. There are several different ways to balance the emissions of carbon dioxide cycling in and out of the atmosphere. The primary way is to prevent the release of carbon by burning fewer fossil fuels, for example by using a less carbon-intensive technology such as wind or solar.

Land use change and forestry activities represent a supplementary approach. When degraded lands are restored to their native state, carbon is taken up from the atmosphere and stored in the biomass of trees through the process of photosynthesis. Because carbon dioxide is also being released by intensive deforestation in certain areas of the globe, slowing this deforestation is another way to address climate change.

When trees are cut and burned and the land put under the plow, the carbon stored in the forests and in the underlying soils is released to the atmosphere. The rate at which this is happening is estimated to be roughly 1.6 Gt C/yr, equal to about 20-25% of the total annual human-induced CO2 emissions. With such a significant proportion of global emissions coming from this source, forest protection must be included as a key component of any overall strategy to stabilize atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

1 Content source: Kasting, James. 1998. The Carbon Cycle, Climate, and the Long-Term Effects of Fossil Fuel Burning. Consequences: The Nature and Implication of Environmental Change (Volume 4, Number 1),

2 A gigaton is a billion (109) metric tons, 1012 kg, or about 2200 billion pounds.

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Chemical Composition:

As we would expect for extremely weathered soils, the pH of the tropical soils are acidic, as most basic compounds have been washed away by leaching. The average pH for the Amazon Basin is between 4.17 – 4.94 (Negreiros, G. H. de; Nepstad, D. C. 1994, Mapping deeply rooting forests of Brazilian Amazonia with GIS, Proceedings of ISPRS Commission VII Symposium - Resource and Environmental Monitoring, Rio de Janeiro. 7(a):334-338.). While the pH remains relatively constant over time, we can see that it has effects on the biological and chemical characteristics of the soil. Most ...

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