"What are the physical processes that cause geomorphic hazards? What problems do they cause for people?"

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“What are the physical processes that cause geomorphic hazards? What problems do they cause for people?”

The relationship between people and the terrain in which the live on, off and around has been closely co-dependent for thousands of years. In this essay I am aiming to discuss how and the reason how physical processes cause geomorphic hazards, including case studies around the world, where relevant, to show the causes and effects of such hazards. I also want to explain and describe how they have affected the everyday lives of millions of people in every corner of the World.

        Mass movement processes are the result of physical processes exerted by man (i.e. Farming methods) to natural processes (i.e. Earthquakes). When I talk about mass movement processes, this involves large masses or quantities of land material caused by a number of factors.         The factors include:

  • Erosion by rivers, glaciers, or ocean waves create too steep slopes
  • Rock and soil slopes are weakened through saturation by snowmelt or heavy rains
  • Earthquakes create stresses that make weak slopes fail
  • Earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 and greater have been known to trigger landslides
  • Volcanic eruptions produce loose ash deposits, heavy rain, and debris flows.
  • Excess weight from accumulation of rain or snow, piling of rock or ore, from waste piles, or from man-made structures may stress weak slopes to failure and other structures
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One of the most common geomorphic hazards is Landslides. In the majority of cases, landslides are caused by excessive rainfall. This rainfall saturates the surrounding terrain, increasing the weight acting on a particular part of a hill. It then becomes too weak to support its own weight. The result is a landslide, where a whole area of rock and materials falls down one side of the hill, leaving behind it, a trail of destruction.





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