What is meant by the term core and periphery?

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What is meant by the term core and periphery?

Wealth is never evenly spread in a region; it tends to be concentrated in certain areas. The core forms an area of a country or region which is the most prosperous and developed. It is likely to contain the capital city (eg the south east of England and London). It will have good communications and be in a good position to trade with markets on a larger scale. This could be via a port of by position relative to other cores in other regions. Major industries will be found in this area along with the highest amount of services and investment. The further away from the core the cheaper land prices are and less investment and industry are found. This eventually turns into the periphery. Although there is no defined line between the two areas the differences are obvious. In the periphery there are fewer jobs and wealth, development and the standard of living all decrease as they move away from the core. The periphery if often a lot larger than the core.

Evaluate the view that development of the core is always at the expense of the periphery.

This view is strongly related a common point made that an area (the core) tends to take development away from other areas in its region. The single word that makes this view almost certainly invalid is always. It is stating that in 100% of cases the core development is in expense of its surrounding area.
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According to J Friedmans model of economic development in a region during it second stage a single core takes resources from its surrounding area such as man power, minerals or materials. However in his third stage the periphery although not as economically important as the original core begins to be invested in and in turn begin to develop thanks to capital made in the core needing to expand and new investments in new area means that the periphery becomes strong.

For example 20th century Brazil moved its concentrated economic activity from its south east region whilst ...

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