What Will Be the Local and Global Effects of a Continued Failure to Manage the Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Successfully.

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What Will Be the Local and Global Effects of a Continued Failure to Manage the Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Successfully

To many people living in temperate climates, tropical rain forests are fascinating places, full of mystery and promise, containing some of the most interesting and diverse products nature has to offer. So it would be a disaster if they were to vanish. Once cleared of trees, rain forest topsoil, which can take over a thousand years to accumulate, can be eroded in just one decade. This makes the land unusable, and can in turn lead to disastrous flooding since there is no soil to soak up the rain. But that's not the end of the story.

Forest clearance also leaves human forest dwellers without food or shelter, and leads to the disappearance of ways of life, which have existed largely unchanged for thousands of years. However, potentially the most damaging effect of forest clearance is its impact on the planet's climate. We have all heard of the perils of global warming and the greenhouse effect, and it is common knowledge that this is caused mainly be the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees and other green plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis, whereas animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. The destruction of the tropical rain forests would bring about a disastrous imbalance in the amounts of carbon dioxide produced and recycled, leading to a build up in the atmosphere, and increased climate change. Add to this the fact that many of the trees cut down to provide space for agriculture are either burned or left to rot, releasing even more carbon dioxide, and clearly we have a recipe for disaster. The whole of nature is a vast interrelated system, which currently exists in a more or less balanced state. Tampering with such important factors as the rain forests could bring about irreversible damage to the world, as we know it.

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A further consequence of tropical rainforest mismanagement concerns the scientific possibilities, which would be lost with the demise of the tropical rain forests. It is estimated that only a small fraction of the plants and animals living in rain forests have been identified, and some scientists speculate that many of these may hold the keys to finding cures for some of the most deadly diseases known to man. For example, the US National Cancer Institute has catalogued some 3,000 plants with anti-cancer properties, 70 per cent of which are found in tropical forests.

Future rates of forest depletion are ...

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