Why did so many people die in the Kobe Earthquake?

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Why did so many people die in the Kobe Earthquake?


Japan is situated in North East Asia between the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Sea and has a population of 125,688,711 (1997) and a total area of 377,815 kilometres squared (145,874 square miles). Japan occupies over 3900 islands of which consists of four main islands which are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku. The central island of Honshu occupies 61 per cent of the total land area and contains 80 per cent of Japan’s population. Honshu also contains the capital Tokyo, which is Japan’s major city with a population of 8,019,938 (1995).


Japan in the 19th century was living in a medieval era that was centuries behind the rest of the world’s lifestyle. This came as a great shock to their country as they had been isolated from other cultures for such a long time. Eventually, Japan had to face the concept of joining and chasing the rest of the world in hope it would improve the nation overall. Between 1867 and 1912 Japan pursued an ambitious modernisation program. Within that Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, 1904-1905 establishing itself as a world power. Since Japan assembled themselves with the rest of the world and began the modernisation program it has rocketed from being one of the least economically developed countries to the most successful and powerful country in the world. In the space of two centuries Japan has achieved the improbable the richest, most economically developed and overall successful country in the world.

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        Why if Japan is such a highly developed country is it so vulnerable to earthquakes? Japan knows that it is sitting on a time bomb of three different plates all pushing and sliding their way past each other. However all the county’s efforts to equip the country to withstand an earthquake failed on January the 17th January 1995 when Kobe was struck by an earthquake that killed nearly 6,000 people and injured around 40,000 people. The earthquake was not predicted by very sensitive seismometers and the situation was not taken under control until almost a week later. Why had all Japan’s ...

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