Why was Russia such a backward country in the end of the 19th century?

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Luciana Machado


IB History – yr2

Why was Russia such a backward country in the end of the 19th century?

The Tsarist state inherited by Nicholas II consisted of many weakenessesm, largely of political problems, social weaknesses and tensions, faults in the economy and other factors that all combined to make Russia a backward state. Russia’s problems went as follow:

The agrarian situation was a something that no matter how many changes acurred, yet they remained repressed and backward in several important aspects. The government in Russia had been bankrupt following the Crimean War and so transferred the large debt to the freed peasants. These debts were made worse by the inflated land values in the black soil and non-black soil provinces in Russia which also exacerbated the high interest payments on the peasants debts. The Emancipation Decrees of Alexander II also caused a stir as ex-serfs still bore a temporary obligation to their former masters until late 1881. Even though there was greater access to lands, the peasants became more empoverished, especially in the black soil provinces of the south where the holdings of ex-serfs fell by about 25%. The empoverishment grew also from the loss of many customary rights to woodland and to common pasture. The virtual doubling of peasant population from 68 million in 1859 to 125 million in 1897 resulted in many people becoming landless and unemployed as they were not further instructed.

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The rural areas in Russia were not apt for a radical change in the social and economic structures as the State, ebing bankrupt, could not afford to train the peasants in new farming methods, thus not allowing industrialization to occur. Peasants still remained farming using the relatively unproductive “strip farming method“. To aggravate peasant situation, they were still under the control of the Mir in order to insure uniformity of administration. The Mir did not allow the initiative and experiement that the lower class needed thus remaining the unpriviledged class with lesser rights than other Russians. The peasants did not ...

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This is a good attempt, however it lacks a conclusion and could have incorporated more data to demonstrate Russia's position at the end of the 19th Century. 3 stars.