With reference to examples, evaluate the success of the schemes that have been implemented in an attempt to solve the problems of housing in cities in LEDC's

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With reference to examples, evaluate the success of the schemes that have been implemented in an attempt to solve the problems of housing in cities in LEDC’s

Housing for the poor in the LEDC’s are a great problem for the local authorities and this stands for most great LEDC cities such as, Chennai in India, Cairo, and Rio de Janeiro.  The problems have arose from urbanization where the rural population has internally migrated to the cities in order for work in which they are not skilled enough to get.  Therefore they have had to live in Shantytowns/Favelas/Slums.

Chennai (formerly Madras) as a result of urban migration and high birth rates have caused a rapid increase in the population of Chennai although the rate has decreased in recent years the rapid growth has been mirrored by a rapid growth of slums in Chennai.  Now about one third of the population lives in slums with the housing been made out of mud and coconut thatch.  The Housing Board and the Slum Clearance Board initial schemes involved the building of four to six storey tenements however these largely failed due to poor maintenance and the lack of uptake as the disadvantaged could not afford high rents.  Also if lower rents were implied the schemes would have been too costly.  After the failure of these schemes the organizations implied new schemes and that was the upgrading of the slums by providing one bath and toilet per ten families, one public fountain per twenty families, one street light per 40m of road and one pre school per 200 families.  Other schemes were required to be self-financing after, the City, the State or World Bank provided the initial investment through loans and setting up self-help schemes.  These schemes encouraged greater community involvement.  The start up loans gave the families a chance to build their own homes and once the first loan had been paid back a second could be issued for further improvements.  The upgrading that took place often led to the sale of homes to higher income groups.  This generated some money for the poorer population and allowed the board to reinvest to new schemes.  Providing permanent plots and improving the security of tenure helped the pavement dwellers.  Along with the housing schemes, new youth groups were set up especially in nursing, welding, electrical, computing and plumbing skills.  Other campaigns were to improve health and nutrition for the whole of the area.   Velacheri was an area for the schemes that is located on the southern outskirts of Chennai.  Fourteen hectares of land was provided to house 2,640 families.  The families came form three main areas, Canal Bank Road, Tank Bund Road and Riverside Road.  Waiting for the new residents to start building their homes would have delayed the rail building programme so contractors were used to construct the houses, lay out the roads and provide water supply, street lights and other services.  Problems that arose were unfinished services and extra floors being added against regulations, also some of the residents sold their houses for a profit and the poorest were unable to afford to live in these new homes.                        

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Cairo is another city that has implied new schemes in an attempt to solve problems of housing.  Every Cairo citizen on average has only 13 square centimeters of space to live in giving a population density of 32,759 people per square kilometer.  Old Cairo is sited east of the modern CBD and went under dramatic population expansion after the 1950’s and between 1968 and 1982 alone the area of the city doubled.  The fertile irrigated farmland along the banks of the River Nile was sold and illegally built on at an average of 600ha a year.  Cairo is different ...

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A very good essay that is clearly focused on answering the question set. Tackles the main point of the question which is to 'evaluate the success' well. Some minor omissions such as data in places but otherwise an excellent response. 5 stars