a01 educare provison

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AO1 Educare provision in the local area


Children need both education and care. Education helps the children to develop intelligence. However children can not sufficiently learn if they lack physical care. Care provides the children with help for physical needs and comfort for their emotional needs. Children need to be physically fit before there are able to be emotionally fit. Also children cannot learn if they are hungry or lack self confidence because they lack concentration and find it difficult to participate.

Here is a list to show the hierarchy of human needs:

  1. Basic physical needs- being fit and healthy
  2. Safety and security- having freedom, not being afraid and have stability
  3. Love and emotional needs- Having affection from others and knowing people care.
  4. Self actualisation needs- having the opportunity to learn and reach potential fully.
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There are different types of provisions suitable for children aged 0-8 years. Each provision provides the children with different types of care. Parents and careers choose the most suitable provision for their children.

Private provision

This provision is paid for and is usually expensive. Most private provisions do wear uniform.  Examples of private provision are: Child minders, pre schools, Nurseries Nannies, Playgroups, Crèches and Holiday play scheme. The main purpose of this provision is to give good self-actualization.


  • Build strong relationships.
  • Meets needs of working parents.
  • Develop independence and social skills
  • Child can ...

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