Assessment of the Care Package for John Smith

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Assessment of Care Package: John Smith        

This report is about John Smith. John is 33 years old and has several medical conditions, and needs caring for 24/7. John cannot talk so has a book to communicate with people. Although John cannot communicate verbally, he does have a sense of humour, personality, and characteristics, which make him different to everyone else. John may be different in many ways to others, but this does not mean that he should be treated any differently to others.

The purpose of this report is to explain how the application of values and principles enable professionals to provide holistic care. John suffers from Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, Poor Blood Circulation, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, and Chest Infections. John also has many other issues that he needs help with. To ensure that all his needs are fulfilled, individuals need to read his entire book. John's book also tells individuals how John lives his life from when he wakes up, to when he goes to sleep.

Principles and Values to Support John's Care Programme

John has the right to have principles of care. Principles are based on values. They are guidelines on the right way to behave, and will include John's own personal code of conduct. An example of a principle for John would be treating him with respect because it is the right thing to do.

There are ten care principles. The first care principle is that the NHS will provide a universal service for all based on clinical need, and not the ability to pay. For John this means that the NHS will ensure that the services he needs will be provided. Another principle is that the NHS will provide a comprehensive range of services. This means that the NHS will have a range of services for John if he needs them. The NHS will also ensure that they shape their services around the needs and preferences of John, his family, and his carers. The NHS will also ensure that they respond to all John's different needs to the best of their ability. While John is using the NHS services, the NHS will improve the quality of their services, to ensure that any errors are minimised. The NHS will also support and value all staff members, to ensure that John receives the quality of care that he deserves. NHS patients will also have public funds especially for their healthcare. This means that John will not have to pay for his treatment or medication. The NHS will also work with others to ensure a smooth service for every patient. This means that John shouldn't have any major problems with the services he uses. The NHS also helps to keep individuals healthy, and will work to reduce health problems. For John this means that he can put his care in the hands of the NHS, and they will provide him with all the services he needs, to ensure that he is receiving the quality of care that he deserves. Finally, the last care principle is that the NHS will respect individual’s confidentiality, and ensure that all individuals have access to information about services, treatment and performance. This means that John can trust the NHS with his information, and since John cannot talk, he can receive information in a different form. This also means that John is being treated fairly.

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John's values also have to be respected. Values are beliefs that are important to individuals. Values are also what individuals believe is morally right and wrong. These values are normally learnt from individuals parents or carers, and don't usually change throughout their life. John has many values. One of his major values is his medication. John values this because it helps him live his life. If John skips his medication, it could seriously affect his health. To ensure that he receives all his medication, he has emphasized when, and how he should receive his medication.

Empowering John


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