John's values also have to be respected. Values are beliefs that are important to individuals. Values are also what individuals believe is morally right and wrong. These values are normally learnt from individuals parents or carers, and don't usually change throughout their life. John has many values. One of his major values is his medication. John values this because it helps him live his life. If John skips his medication, it could seriously affect his health. To ensure that he receives all his medication, he has emphasized when, and how he should receive his medication.
Empowering John
John should also be empowered. John can be empowered by ensure that he knows his promotion of rights. This means that he has the right to confidentiality, the right to choice and the right to have their individuality acknowledged and respected, he also has the right to not be discriminated against because of his illnesses. Although we do not know if John has any religious or cultural beliefs, we need to ensure that he knows he has the right to practise. John also has the right to receive equal treatment. Although John cannot talk he also needs to know that he has the right to voice his opinion, and know that he will receive effective communication. Although John cannot talk he should also be allowed access to policies and procedures, so he knows whether he is being treated fairly. John also has the right to know how to make a complaint.
John's care plan may affect John emotionally because it may be different from what he is normally used to. John's carers need to ensure that John gets the right medication at the right time, and that he doesn't miss any. This will help to improve his health and fitness. John's physical needs are also met because he is empowered by having his own book to communicate with. To ensure John's intellectual needs are met carers and family members should communicate with him. To do this they can talk to him by using pictures, and take him out to places. John also likes touching fabric, so individuals could communicate with him by letting him touch different fabrics. To communicate John blinks, so when talking to him you could give him options, and then ask him to blink at the option he wants. Individuals should also ensure that they talk to him appropriately. John's social needs also need to be met. To ensure this happens John could go to a daycare centre, and participate in different activities with others. He could also be taken out on day trips to many different places, such as the zoo, shopping centres, and parks.
Ensuring Anti-Discriminatory Practice
While looking after John, individuals need to ensure that he is not discriminated in anyway. To ensure that no discriminatory practice takes place individuals need to treat John equally, but not the same, as other individuals. To ensure anti-discriminatory practice takes place, all professional individuals need to read John's book, so that they know all his personal information. John's views also need to be taken into account. He will need to be asked, and have options to respond to, if he feels that he is being discriminated against.
Benefits to an Holistic Approach
Holistic Approach means that all professionals work together, to ensure that the quality of care given is at a good standard. The benefits of this are that it ensures that there are many different health professionals if John needs their support. John should also be informed with the different health professionals that are available to him. This will show that he is being treated fairly.
Reasons for Adopting a Multidisciplinary Approach
The care package has many benefits for John's parents. John's book gives his parents a break because they can trust that John's carers will take care of him properly, and that his health is as it should be. It also benefits his parents because if John is in the hands of another individual, it means that they can go out together, without having to worry about John. Working together with professionals, also means that John's parents can learn new ways to care for John from trained employees.
The benefits for the NHS are that it doesn't cost anything, and there are no legal costs. The NHS is also confidential, which means John will have no publicity. The NHS also makes the job easier for the staff, and therefore the staff will feel more appreciated, which means they will do their job well because there will be less stress. With the NHS around it means that there will be less illness and everyone will be treated equally. If the NHS works together with other professionals, it means that it takes some stress off of them because they can share the job out between them, as long as the communication is good, otherwise John's care may not be as good as it could be.
There are also many benefits to John. John will benefit from everything because it means that he will receive the quality of care that he has the right to. This will mean that John's self esteem will be good because he will be happier. John will also benefit from a care package because he will also be socialising with other individuals, which means he may be feel like he can trust the carers with everything.
Assessment Process when Planning Support
A care planning is where service providers agree, arrange, and manage the needs an individual needs, so they can live at home, or so they can move into a residential, or nursing home.
The care planning process comes in six parts. Before anyone can be assessed for a care plan, they have to be admitted to a case load. The assessment stage then begins, so the professionals can see where the individual needs support. After the individual is assessed, the creating of the care plan starts being discussed. Once the plan is created, it is then down to the carers to implement the plan. Implementing the plan may be difficult because some individuals may not like being told what to do. Carers will then have to listen to the individual, and make any changes that may need to be changed. Once the plan has been implemented, the individual will need to be evaluated, and see how they are doing. If all is going well the plan will either be continued, or the individual will be discharged if they no longer need the extra support.
Assessment Tools
There are many assessment tools that can be used when planning support. When planning an individual’s support carers could make checklists, keep diaries, record all accidents or incidents, ask questions, research the individuals personal history, and carry out regular observations. For John's care plan carers could make checklists, to ensure that he has had all his medication for each day. To let other individuals know how John is doing, carers and his parents could write daily in a diary. John could also be asked questions about the quality of care he is receive. For example, John could be asked 'Are you happy with the quality of care you are receiving?' John could then blink once for yes, and twice for no. Each individual involved in John's care needs to research his personal history. To do this they can read his book, which tells individuals everything they need to know about John.
Implementing Support Plans
The support plans will be best done by communicating with John, and his parents, as well as his carers. To do this carers should work with John's book to see what John needs on a daily basis. To ensure this plan works, it will need reviewing every so often, and then possibly changing, if John's health has changed. If the support plans eventually need changing, they should be changed as soon as possible, to ensure that John is receiving the quality of care that he has the right to.
Potential Issues when Writing and Implementing a Support Care Plan
There are several potential issues with writing and implementing a support plan for John. John's carers may not treat John in the same way. This could affect him because he may not like being messed around with different routines constantly. To ensure that John receives consistent care from everyone that looks after him, carers and John's parents could write a diary during the day, and ensure it is left for the next carer. Carers or his parents could also do handover notes, so everyone knows how John is doing. Communication is vital when taking care of any individual, especially John. In John's care plan there may be many people involved. This could lead to poor communication, resulting in severe consequences for John. To ensure that individuals communicate with each other, individuals could have regular meetings with each other. While John is in their care, they have to ensure they do everything to keep him healthy.