Child Development (AO2)

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There are many different factors, which have affected Jayden’s development; these factors are shown below, which state how they have actually had an impact on Jayden’s development.

The family

There are many different family structures. Children can live from a range of family structures for many different reasons. As long as the child is provided with the three most important factors, which are love, care and attention, it shouldn’t matter what family structure the child comes from. In the past, a family structure was mostly known for two married parents living with their children in the same home. This has now changed a lot because of the increased proportion of divorces, partners living together without being married, single parents, etc. The family structures include:

  • Nuclear families – this is when the children and their parents live together. The parents are usually the primary carers for their children.
  • Extended families – this is when the children live with their parents as well as other family relatives, for example uncles, cousins, etc. It could also be that the children live with their parents, with close family relatives living near by.
  • Lone- parent families – this is when the children live with only one of their natural parents.
  • Reconstituted families – this is when the children live with only one of their natural parents and one step-parent. This could also include the step-parent’s children, meaning the children would have step-sisters and/or step-brothers.

(Neil Moonie, Et Al, 2006)

Jayden comes from an extended family. He lives with his primary carers, which are his mother and father and two siblings. However, he is always surrounded by his large family of aunties, uncles, cousins, etc who live very close by to his house. This means that he gets to see them a lot and is always spending time with them.

Jayden is 8 years old; he is the eldest child and he has a 3-year-old brother and an 18 months sister. This has caused a lot of neglect towards Jayden. As he is the eldest child, he has a big responsibility to behave well to set an example to his siblings. As his youngest sibling is only 18 months old, she receives most of the attention because she needs looking after the most. This has a great affect on Jayden, as although he still receives love and affection from his family, he does not receive much attention compared to his other siblings. This is why he loves spending time with his cousins, aunties and uncles and other relatives, as they show him a lot of attention, and also support and love him.

Jayden has also been affected emotionally through a death in his family. When Jayden was 4 years old, his 3-month sister died of cot death. His mother became mentally ill and had a condition called ‘post-natal depression’. Because of this, he was always being looked after by relatives and was very confused at that age. He didn’t understand where his sister had gone and what death meant. He would always ask ‘When is she coming back, where has she gone?’ As he grew older, he started to understand more. He used to get upset a lot but now he has come to terms with the idea of his sister not coming back. His parents never stop him from asking questions about her so that he can understand it more and move on. When his youngest sibling was born, he would wonder if she too would leave, but he soon realized she wasn’t going to. At the time, when his mother was ill, it affected Jayden a lot as he was always moving from place-to-place and he could sense something was wrong. Being moved to different relatives houses at the time was hard for Jayden as he was confused and was never settled in one environment. He felt insecure and would always ask for his mother, as that is where he felt self.

He is now eight years old and still remembers his three-month sister. He now knows how to cope with his emotions, as he understands more. However, because of this incident occurring when he was very young, it has made him feel very protective over his eighteen-month sister. For example, if she falls and hurts herself, he would always look out for her and make sure she is ok. When his sister visits family houses, he would ask his parents ‘when is she coming back’, as he would feel insecure without her. This is not so much the same with his three-year-old brother, as they do not bond very well together. They are always fighting and his younger brother is always getting Jayden into trouble, which clearly Jayden does not like.    

His father has taught him a lot about eating a balanced diet. Jayden is always educating other children of his age about how important it is to eat healthily to become ‘big and strong’. His diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits everyday. A glass of milk before he goes to sleep is also essential for him. He also has a moderate proportion of meat and dairy products. His overall diet is excellent, as his parents encourage him to eat healthily and only on occasions he will have fizzy drinks and sweets.

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Generally Jayden is a polite young child who loves watching TV. TV is his ‘time alone’ from his siblings and other annoyances. He often plays by himself (the way he likes it), as his siblings are too young to play the games he likes. Although he does like playing with other people within his age group or with those more mature than him, for example his friends and cousins, and sometimes he plays board games with adults in his family. His favourite interest at the moment is either watching movies, playing board games that stimulate his mind and involve ...

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