Child Development from Conception to Age 16 Years - development in the same areas across different ages. How to maintain confidentiality in observations.

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-Cache Level 3 Diploma Childcare & Education

Unit 2

Development from Conception to Age 16 Years

E1        Describe the development of children in a selected age range and in TWO areas of development.

Cognitive Development for children aged three to five is highly important for the child’s stage of development. According to  children by the age of five should be able to tell someone their name, age, street and town which they live. They learn by observing and listening to others around them. Children at the stage will ask many question such as ‘why’ and ‘how’ being concerned about everything that’s going on and what people are talking about.

Social and Emotional development for children aged three to five is very important for every child’s development in these are being met at this time of life as this is when they start to become aware of who they call their friends and who are is there all the time and who is not. They start to feel emotions for people around them in their everyday life. For example children at the age of three according to  a child may like to play near other children but not join yet. This is called parallel play when children have not started to play together.  Also according to this website children at the age of three do not cooperate or share well. On the other hand this site refers to how children at the age of five find friends important and seeks to play with others than to play alone.  

E2 Choose a different age range and describe how the children usually develop in this age range in the same TWO chosen areas of development as in E1.
During the age seven to eleven which is also known as the Concrete Operational Stage , the thought process becomes more rational, mature and 'adult like', or more 'operational', although this process most often continues well into the teenage years. Piaget claims that before the beginning of this stage, children's ideas about different objects, are formed and dominated by the appearance of the object. For example, there appears to be more blocks when they are spread out, than when they are in a small pile.

Children aged seven to eleven displays a wider variety of self-regulation skills.  They show this through understanding and enacting cultural display rules has increased dramatically by this stage, such that by now children begin to know when to control emotional expressivity as well as have a sufficient repertoire of behavioral regulation skills allowing them to effectively mask emotions in socially appropriate ways. According to research has indicated that children at this age have become sensitive to the social contextual cues which serve to guide their decisions to express or control negative emotions.

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E3 Explain TWO theoretical perspectives relevant to the areas of development.
Albert Bandura who was born 4th December in a small town of Mundare in North Alberta, Canada.  He suggested that children model their behavior of the adults around them. Bandura done a large number of variations; these variations allowed Bandura to establish that there was steps in the modeling process such as attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. His theory implies that we use  are all potential role models. Children and young people will observe the way we talk, smile and use hand gestures, as well as those things we want ...

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