Childcare in Education Level 3 Unit 4. Health and Safety. A Routine for a 1 year old.

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Unit 4.

E1 - There are many different legislations that influence a healthy, safe and secure environments, these include The Healthy and Safety at Work Act 1974, COSHH 2002, RIDDOR 1995, Smoking Ban 2007 and The Childcare Act 2006.

        E2 - To deal with a bump to the head the child must be immediately assessed at the scene by an adult who knows them to monitor the severity of the incident. Assuming the child is conscious, they are then taken to the medical room and then they are re-assessed by the Main First Aider. The child is sat down and a cold compress is applied to the bump site, the child must not be left alone at any time. The parent/guardian of the child should be immediately contacted they are informed how the child is and if school requires them to be collected to be watched at home (or taken to the hospital for further checks). If the child is not in severe trouble or requiring further medical care, it is also up to the parent to decide if they want to collect the child "just in case".
If the child returns to the class, the staff must watch the child and avoid them running around. Any changes must be reported to a First Aider who will then re-assess the situation and contact the parent/guardian. The child must always go home with a medical note explaining the accident and injury plus where/when it happened.
On the other hand, if the child is unconscious when the bump happens, immediate action is taken, without moving the child unless they are in an unsafe place, for example, in a doorway. Parents must be called immediately and the child will then be taken for further medical checks by the parent. If necessary, emergency services are called to help.
After any incident, especially after a head bump, the relevant staff must complete the main First Aid journal with the copies going to the appropriate places.

        When a child is having an asthma attack the practitioner should, remove the child from known triggers, if possible, such as perfumes or deodorants. Help the child rest in a sitting position as this helps the child to breathe easier. Keep the child relaxed by staying calm yourself and calming other children present. Administer medications as directed. Call emergency contacts if the child gets worse or does not respond to medication in 15 minutes. The practitioner must stay with the child and observe them closely until help arrives. The practitioner must then document the episode and use of medication.

        Within a childcare setting, children are more likely to catch an infectious illness such as a sickness and diarrhoea bug. Any parent whose child has the bug should contact the school and inform them, even if it was over the weekend. Just because the child does not show symptoms does not mean that the bug has left the child’s system. Once the school or setting has been informed then the setting must inform other parents, as the illness is not planned the setting cannot send out letters informing them. Notes should be placed on all entrances and exits informing parents. If any child contracts the bug then the setting must inform the parents and the child must be collected as soon as possible. The child should not return to the setting for a minimum of 36 hours.

        When dealing with Meningitis within the childcare setting there is very little that you as a practitioner can do. If you suspect that a child has Meningitis perform the ‘glass test’ (pressing a clear glass against the skin, if the child has meningitis the red rash will not disappear) If the rash does not disappear then the practitioner should contact the parent and then the emergency services.

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Special Requirements: Lactose intolerance (no dairy) No sweetcorn and no Bepanthen.

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Star rating 3 This assignment covers a number of health and safety issues relevant to child care settings. Strengths of the assignment include the knowledge and understanding of how to deal with head injuries, asthma, gastrointestinal viruses and meningitis, as well as linking care plans with intolerances and allergies. However, some areas lack the specific detail needed in order to pass a criterion; these have been identified and suggestions given on how the work can be improved. The assignment also requires proofreading to minimise English errors.