My strength of using counselling skills is paraphrasing used effectively as I was able to repeat what the client was saying to me in my own words to show that I was paying attention and that I am listening. The reason why I used this skill was to test my understanding of what the client has told me, show that I understood what the client had informed me in my own words and also to detain further within this the essence of what the client has said. I used this skill so show that I was listening to the client and also taken the time to think about what they have said. It helps benefit the interaction as I help to probe more information about what the client has been saying about their problems. It help benefit the interaction because it help to develop the relationship with me and the client simply by showing that I was interested in the client and what they as telling me about their problem.
My strength of using counselling skills is use of appropriate encouragers which I was able to encourage he client to open up their problems and talk by stating asking them “tell me how did you feel” this encourage the client to tell more about their problems as using non verbal communication such nodding my head. The reason why I used this skill well just to show that I am listening, paying attention to the client and encourage them to talk more. This has helped to benefit the interaction as the client is encouraged to keep talking as I often nodded my head to show that I understand and I get what they are saying to me.
My strength of using counselling skills is evidence of warmth and being genuine was when I told the client to make them feel comfortable, being welcoming to the client, asking if the temperature in the room was okay as well as offering them something to drink. I use the skills of being warmth and genuine towards the clients by being understanding of what the client is going through and being honest and open towards the client. Also, I used the skills to develop a warm caring for the client to feel in addition to maintaining warmth for the client to feel relaxed and showing a positive acceptance of the client which help to improve the interaction and disclosure. The skills I used benefited the interaction, being genuine and warmth encourage the client to feel so comfortable and at ease to open up and disclose personal information.
My strength of using counselling skills is consistently reviewing and summarising I was able to continuously concentrate on the main points of what the client has said in order to highlight and summarise it as well as having a general idea and checking to see if I was right when the client was telling me about her problem. I used this skill to comprehend that problem that client has and understand what they are going through as well as having a general ideas of the client’s problem. Using the skill of summarising help me to a get better understanding of the client’s troubles and perception on things. I used this skill to put together the most relevant points as clearly as possible and check for the accuracy of the summary with the clients.
My strength of using counselling skills is appropriate use of questions I used the suitable amount of questions I ask to clarify information and for details at the right time such as asking how she felt when the client had found out that she had terminal cancer. I used this skill of questions to help obtain for more details, explanation and make clear of information that has been given from the client. This has help benefit the interaction the client was able to provide a lot more information to the counsellor so they can understand the situation.
My strength of using counselling skills is use open questions where appropriate which I believe I have done well to ask opened question to the client about why they struggle to inform their family about having cancer to bring out what exact feelings the client has been feeling and to obtain more detail. I used this skill of open questions helped me to seek for clarification of what the client like to achieve, it helped to encourage exploration of the problem and how it had affect the client holistically, gauge the feelings of the clients and helps to establish mutual understanding. This skills help to benefit the interaction as the client was to express their thoughts and feelings
My strength of using counselling skills is manage silence effectively when I manage to do successfully giving the client about one minute of silence giving the client time to think and reflect back on they have said to me. I used this skill well to give the client the space they may need and allow her to think and reminisce thoroughly about everything the client has told me. Also, I used this skill to get the client to have their own quiet time to think about other things that they have struggles dealing that they didn’t mention before. This benefit the interaction as it allows the client to accumulate information she didn’t tell the counsellor before which then will give the counsellor an apparent picture of the problem and how it could be dealt with.
My strength of using counselling skills is set goals with client communicate deeper empathic understanding which I was able to talk to the client in more understanding and sympathy of what they would like to achieve and set an objective of they want to accomplish. I used this skill because as a counsellor it’s important to collaborate with the client in addition to being understanding and thoughtful when helping to set goals the client intend to achieve. This benefit the interaction as being empathic to the client enables to bring thoughts forward into exploring ways to overcome the issues.
My strength of using counselling skills is demonstrating ability to structure skills in an integrated way which I had the capability of arrange various of skills that works together to help and benefit the interaction with the client as well as using different skills to allow the client to open their problem to me. I use this skill during counselling session to show that I can use ranges of skills to implement in the session in order to help the client. This benefit the interaction as it brings out good outcome as the client feel confident about opening up their problems
My strength of using counselling skills is offer unbiased information and check its acceptability and relevance to the client I was able to very well I believe, because during the end of the session I provided some more information such as a leaflet for the client about dealing with terminal cancer which is relevant to what she is going through and for more counselling sessions. I used this skill as a counsellor because it’s imperative that they should provide relevant, fair and neutral information for the clients. This benefits the interaction as the clients are given information from the counsellor that they can rely on and help them further with their problems.
My strength of using counselling skills is to explore the benefits to the clients of the interaction and evaluate the outcome which I was able gather and go back to all the discussion I had with the client and talk about how it has helped them to be more open and honest than they were in the beginning. I used this skill during the counselling session so that I and the client can look at the advantage of the overall interaction, the result and if it has helped to talk about their problems. This help benefit the interaction as the client is able to talk about how the counselling has help them or if not what could have help them benefit from the interaction.
My weakness of using counselling skills is demonstrating the skills needed to start and create a relationship was that I did not utilise the ‘here and now’ immediacy because I was not fully aware of how to use this technique. This weakness may have affected the interaction because the client may have emphasised an important point continuously which I didn’t explore or look into the problem and which I would have missed out vital information that could have helped me as a counsellor to understand the client’s problem much clearer. The reason why I failed to use this skills because I was unaware of how use this skill and implement in the counselling session. I would improve this skill by making sure that I understand the use of the skill and put it into practice.
My weakness of the use of time responses to match client need because I went too fast and I didn’t give the client say what they want to say and also the time was not enough which it did not meet the need of the client. This weakness may have affected the interaction because the client may have wanted to tell me the counsellor something important but I was rushing a couple of time and I didn’t give the client time to speak. The reasons why I have failed to use this skill because I was very nervous whilst going the counselling session which I allowed my nerve get the best of me. I would improve this skill by ensuring that I am relaxed, at ease and make sure that I speak reasonably, not too fast or slow; also give the client time to speak and not interrupting them.
My weakness of using counselling skills was exploring with the client a range of strategies for accomplishing their goals was poor because during the counselling role play I didn’t clarify and vague of different ways to achieving the client goal as I believe I was rushing the whole role play which exploring with the client about ways to achieve their goals which the client would most unlikely to be heard. However, I did mention the goals but not the ways of how the client can achieve it. This weakness may have affected the interaction because the client was not able to discuss the ways and the plan to achieve their objective which also means the client would not have been able to overcome their problem in addition to not being sure of how they would meet their goal. The reasons why I have failed to use this skill because I didn’t use the skill properly and I was not clear at looking at way for the client can achieve their intention. I would improve the use of the skill by being clearly, rationally and clearly spoken at discussing with the client the approaches to overcome and met their goals that they have planned to achieve.
My weakness of using counselling skills was enable clients to choose appropriate strategies and formulate a plan which again I did the role play too quickly. I didn’t make sure the client to pick a suitable and achievable strategy and put together a plan of how they were going to achieve their goal and I rush the role play because I was very nervous. This weakness may have affected the interaction because the client was not able to create a plan and the ways they would achieve their goal, also was not helped and supported by me the counsellor to approve if the goal is realistic and achievable. The reason why I have failed to use this skill because I again rush the section where the client was to pick the suitable way, coming with a plan and I also felt intimidated by the camera watching me during the session of counselling. I would have improved using the skill by not rushing the session, taking it easy and plan the way the client would like to accomplish their plan.
My weakness of using counselling skills is manage an appropriate ending which I fail to because I didn’t include the summary of what the client has told be me and also what they plan to do in future in order to overcome their problems. The weakness may have affected the interaction as the client may assume that I did not really listen to their problem as at the end I did not give a summary of what they told me. The reason why I have failed to use this skill because I had forgotten to do a summary of what I and the client had discussed about in the session. I would have improved using the skill by remembering to always include a summary to manage an appropriate ending of the counselling session.
My weakness of using counselling skills is use challenging skills constructively because I didn’t understand how to use this skill and not being able to put into practice. The weakness may have affected the interaction is that the client did not encounter challenging questioning when they were making progress during the counselling relationship. The reason why I have failed to use this skill because I was very confused on the meaning of challenging skills and I didn’t know how to apply this skill in the counselling session. I would have improved using the skill it understanding the use of challenging skills and being able to sense contradictions and encourage positive thought.